Red Jesus-His 7th full season in Dallas and his 3rd winning record. He has only 1 losing record during his reign, but also 3 seasons of 8-8... Forever known to me as Mr 500.
- He should be an Accountant or a Journalist.
- His degree at Princeton proves he is intelligent and can recite things. His career as coach shows he lacks the imagination or creative gifts.
- The Hamstring Years are such a crazy thing. If we include groins and backs then I think someone should really consider that Dallas hires trainers that do not understand tissue elasticity and preparation.
- It seems he is a firm believer in non-imaginative communications.
- How many times during this reign have we heard other defensive secondary comment "We knew what they would do"
- Is it Poor Preparation or a lack of adjustments? How many years do we see this team chose the option of safety when someone is hurt. And of course the outcome is a losing streak.
- Garrett 3rd quarter scoring is a thing of legends. .
- The debate Execution over Scheme. Red is a preacher of Execution.
- Dallas finished 14th in the league in scoring.
- Cowboys ranked 29th in the league in 3rd qtr scoring
- Last in 3rd qtr scoring at home. 1.2 ppg. (Giants were next at 2.0)
- 1st qtr scoring is ranked 16th, 3.8ppg
- 2nd qtr scoring 8th 8 ppg
- 4th qtr ranked 8th...7.5 ppg.
- Did I mention that on Defense they ranked even worse at 31st in 3rd qtr.
- The defense is 14th overall in scoring.
- This makes me think that it is not the coordinators and maybe not the schemes. Could it be a process they use at half that shifts focus?
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