Saturday, June 30, 2012

We Lived to See It

I couldn't let this momentous occasion pass without posting.  It seemed a short time ago that there was little interest among the NCAA football leaders in a playoff.  In what seemed just a short few weeks, something caught fire and before I hardly knew it was a real possibility, we have a playoff!  As I've listened to the chatter and read the summaries, the most exciting benefits to me are:

  • The voters should be a better controlled list of people who really know college football and watch the games, certainly an improvement over many of the people voting now
  • The liklihood that a team really deserving of a chance at the national championship is shut out will be less - how many #5 teams in memory did we think should get their shot?
  • The big games will again be concentrated, now 2 days 12/31 and 1/1.  A huge improvement over the current calendar.
  • The Cotton Bowl is back baby!  Another example of why Jerry is a great businessman (if lousy GM).
  • The idea of earning your way in - better informed voters plus the requirement to win a semi-final against a great team means the final should be well earned with no fluke champions
Some things I don't love or will miss:

  • I'm old enough that I continue to lament the passing of the importance of the "Big 4" bowls
  • Could this small panel be a political nightmare?
  • The final game is too much becoming like the Super Bowl.
  • I'm also more of a supporter of rewarding conference champions as much as possible/logical than most people are
Overall as a college football fan its better and will bring more excitement to that time of year.  After hoping for so long that it would happen, I won't try to pick it apart.  I think they actually did something right.


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