Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cowboys Saints

As we expected the Saints game was a disaster for the Cowboys defense. They truly never stop someone that has a creative scheme. The Saints controlled the game from the start and only a nother ROMO miracle comeback kept them close.  Truthfully, dropped passes in Cincy and Philly is the only reason they won those games.

Dallas is a pretender by all methods that I can use to determine a quality team

At what point does Garrett get blamed for these yearly blunders? Should Red be given "an out" for the injuries, an offense that is totally dependent on Romo being spectacular, the worst Special Teams coach in the NFL, and working for “Jerry The GM “ and his pitiful player evaluations.

Points allowed vs. Points Scored are a big driver to me in a coach’s ability to get the most out of his teams. Dallas is still (-14) with an 8-7 record. They are the only team in the NFC with a winning record that is a negative in this category. Indy and Luck is the other one in the AFC and they are in a bad division..

Will Garrett ever coach a team that upsets a good team? His past coaching record says NO!



Sport Thought said...

I struggle with evaluating Garrett since he was given the league's worst O-line to start the season and he lost half his defense to injuries. Coaching for Jerry means you'll have some big names but little depth in a parity league. Tough sledding.

But, I do think he pulled them together when it looked like the season was headed for disaster and has been a steadying influence. I say give him another year. Won't really matter anyway.


Jonathan said...

I am all for Garrett returning-- although my motivation is different and tied to the Saints and Payton.

As for the game- not much defense being played.

More important topic-- did you see Roger lost another suspension appeal-- wheels are falling off the cart for him ----- I hope and he deserves