Monday, June 23, 2014

Modano HOF 2014

I know next to nothing about hockey, but I was happy with the news today that Mike Modano was elected to the HOF on the first ballot.  My very first experience with big-time hockey came when I went to see the new hot team in town, the Stars, smack in the middle of Modano's prime.  Even though I had nothing to compare, it took me about 5 seconds to figure out that the most dynamic, fastest, most athletic player on the ice was Modano, who attacked at will and skated in between and all around the opponents.  I sat close to the ice that night, and he was a blur, fast and powerful, and like most sports that combination makes the difference.  Also good to know that by all reports he is one of the nicest and down to earth big-time athletes around.


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