Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dirk & Melo

NBA free agency this year was certainly entertaining, with a large group of the best players up for auction, including number 1 himself.  The best polar opposite situation was Dirk's with the Mavs and Carmelo's with the Knicks.  Despite earning well over $100 million over the last 11 years, Carmelo went for the largest guaranteed cash, and will go back to a Knicks roster with practically no talent.  Even Phil Jackson was caught in the PR squeeze, having to pay $22 million per year to a player who is a volume shooter, has little all-around game, and obviously doesn't care about championships.  The basketball move for him would have been Chicago where he could have a decent chance of cementing his legacy as a winner playing for a strong coach and very sound roster.  But he apparently can't make it on $18 million per year.

Meanwhile, Dirk, like the stars down the road in San Antonio, took a large discount so he could be surrounded by better players and have some shot at another long playoff run.  This team isn't a championship contender, but it's good enough to keep the fans interested and might make some noise.  He and Duncan, along with Parker and Ginobili, are rare birds indeed, loving the game, loving their coach and teammates, and their city, willing to "make do" with $10 or $12 million a year, and chase championships.  Melo had his chance to be taken seriously, and he whiffed.  He will keep piling up points and losses, while the example of the Spurs and Dirk is utterly lost on him.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Melo not going to Chicago confuses me greatly.

I think you are correct.