Friday, April 28, 2017

Josh Hamilton

I have never seen anything like Josh Hamilton! How does a drug addict show up in the major leagues at 26 years of age and become a phenom?

He is one of only two true 5 tool players that I have ever seen in his prime.
(The other is ARod for anyone that wonders, ironically another person that let drugs tarnish his legacy.)

1. Speed- The times reported for his 40yd and times to first base rival Mantle. This era of Stolen Bases in analytics and fear of injuries, (rightly feared) obviously kept him from the 40-40 club.  He covered the outfield completely.
2. Throwing- His arm strength- (What really keeps most of the superstars out of the 5 tool category is the arm.)  Griffey, Bonds, and even Trout are good, but not great.  Hamilton had a cannon and with his 95mph fastball in high school, (prior to new radar guns) he could have been top line pitcher.
3. Fielding-  He was definitely the best center fielder we have watched for the Rangers, but goodness he was fearless which caused too many injuries.
4. Hitting-  I still cannot believe that he led the majors in Batting Average after being homeless. How does anyone go from homeless drug addict to leading the majors in BA? He hit over 300 with 130 RBIs in just two years back from the brink of death.
5.  Power- I have seen home runs as long as he hit them, but nothing like the consistent bombs when he was focused.  I had a post a few years ago about the top ten longest home runs in MLB in a few years span.  He had more than half in his playing time.

Mental health destroyed what may have been the most talented baseball player we have ever seen.


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