Friday, January 31, 2014

Dirk and the Mavs

After watching another pitiful High School Basketball shooting exhibition tonight, I was treated when I got home to see Dirk in the twilight of his career shooting rainbows.

He seems to have a found the old magic this week and I am trying to appreciate how incredible he has been during his career. After an MVP and being voted 9 times 1st or 2nd team All NBA he is truly under appreciated in the historical sense.

The two players consider the greatest during his time have been Kobe and Duncan.

Dirk stands up well to a comparison.
He was never as good defensively as either, but neither of them could ever shoot like the Big German.

Dirk-       22.6 ppg 8.1 Reb 2.6asst 0.9steals 0.9 blocks 1.9 TO 48%FG
Kobe -    25.5 ppg 5.3reb 4.8asst 1.5 steals 3.01 0.5blocks TO.  45%FG
Duncan-  20.0 ppg 11.2reb 3.1asst 0.7 steals 2.2 blocks 2.5TO  50% FG.

Duncan was the greatest of the era, Kobe will always get a downgrade on my board for his lack of leadership.  Players never got better with him and always had to defend themselves eventually.

Dirk is just great!


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