Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rating a defense. LSU D has to beat LSU O

After LSU lost to Florida, my temper started to simmer with the papers and radio shows discussing how Florida had dominated the Tigers defense. Then I read another reference from a big news provider.
Florida had 237 total yards that day and had the ball the entire game.  Something like 72 offensive plays.
This sent me into a research mode to find out how bad LSU really is on offense. The information below is to get rid of the excuse makers and coaches.  It is a fallacy to blame the athletes.

Below are the numbers:
LSU ranks:
  • 112th out of 125 teams in offensive plays this year in road games.
  • 63 offen plays per game. .  Leaders are over 80.
  • 86th for the year in overall Offensive play against Towson St and UNT.
  • I truly expect them to drop lower with conference play and repeat the 62.8 plays they produced last year.
  • In 2011 the 13-1 Tiger ranked 122nd out of 124 teams.
  • 2010 finished LSU 92nd
  • 2009 Finished 122nd of 124 teams .
Before anyone tries to consider "time of possession" as a benefit, DON'T!
Specifically, lets discuss away games to get rid of the Cupcakes.
LSU is still under 28 minutes per game and 92nd in the nation.  
Bama with the same philosophy and better coaching is 19th.
These stats are hard to even accept as a LSU Fan.
Miles has a dogmatic approach to coaching and wins with better athletes and apparently never developing their skill sets.
The moral of the story is that LSU is better on defense than most  people realize and we are just lucky Miles doesn't fashion himself a defensive coach or they would probably suck on defense also.

1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Really glad you found these numbers. When you watch a lot of games like we do you realize that you're watching the worst offense in the nation, but most people just chalk it up to being a conservative coach.

But the success that you detailed in the previous post make it unlikely that Les will make any changes. I always thought he was just basically dull and the least intelligent coach in the league. He's able to recruit well, so that saves him from himself.

We will always look back and wonder how good this era could have been if he had developed the talent rather than just found it and sent it out there to fend for itself.