Friday, October 10, 2014

Catching Up With the Natural

Josh Hamilton spent 5 star-crossed years in Texas: 1 batting title, 1 RBI title, an MVP award, 500+ RBI, a .305 average, a .549 slugging average, a .912 OPS, ascended to the level of best player in baseball in 2010, had a 4-homer game, hit a 10th-inning homer that should have won a World Series, hit 25 homers in one round of the home run derby, made spectacular plays in center field, and generally wowed the baseball world with his talent.

Catching up to "the Natural" now, there is good new for the Angels: he has hit 31 homers and driven in 123 runs for them; the bad news: it's taken him over 1,000 at-bats and 2 seasons to get there!  Since leaving his support system in Texas, he has forgotten how to hit, hit for power, make contact, or give a crap.  The Angels owe him about $100 million dollars and his OPS of about .740 equates to Elvis Andrus.  I've seldom been more baffled about a player losing his skills overnight at an early age.  It happens.  Josh never learned discipline, relied on talent, abused his body, and at 33 looks completely done.  His contract will likely stack up against the worst ever (Chan Ho Park anyone?)

I'm incredibly sad about it.  He was as fun to watch as anyone I ever saw.  He should have been an all-timer but will instead be a footnote to baseball history.  I went on record as saying I didn't think the Rangers should spend that kind of money on him.  So, at least I'm glad I don't have to turn on Fox Sports every night and watch the decline of the most talented player of his generation.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Is this a real 4-1 team that is sitting at top of the NFC EAST?
Mark me down as skeptical at best, maybe I am too pessimistic, but I do not see anything to make me think that they can survive the last half of the schedule.

I thought he was done after the first two weeks, but he is starting to get some zip back on the ball and making some of his trademark moves to avoid the onslaught in passing situations.  I really hope he continues to improve, but his accuracy is still off from three years ago.  Three surgeries have definitely accelerated his aging curve.

He is still the key for the Cowboys to survive and I hope he stays healthy.

He is a beast and with every yard he fights for I wince thinking he will get an ankle or muscle injury. People truly underestimate his speed and power.  His ability to pass block is so important, but they really cannot leave him in for every third down play.  My faith in Dunbar is zero, he cannot block nor run effectively unless he is in the open field.

O Coordinator:
A definite improvement over the past Red Jesus years.  He seems to have defenses guessing and this is without a healthy Romo.

D Coordinator:
Lipstick and Rouge is all I can say.  What an incredible change with a little luck we have seen in Dallas.  They are attacking and rarely get burned with a big play.

My fear is that injuries are going to make running the ball on Dallas to easy as the year wears on. I am still in shock Houston didn't run the ball 50 times Sunday.

But that secondary is still a work in progress, I am still wondering how they beat the Rams.

Rolando McClain:
How did Dallas get this guy, he is incredible. The difference he makes inside against the run and short passes in amazing.  He seems to catch people a yard short of first downs 10 times a game. I only hope that he is mentally prepared for the wear and tear on his body.  If they lose him, even with Carter coming back they are in big trouble.  I would sit him against Seattle, since the odds of winning are slim at best.

Overall, it has been a great start for a team that I thought 7-9 or 8-8 was the best to hope for.
I really worry about the upcoming schedule, the Giants game in Dallas following the Seahawks will be the turning point for the team.  Win and maybe they get to 9 wins. Lose and 7 wins is the best I can see.


LSU's Demise?

I agree with everything you've written.  And I will add that I have seen this coming, and although still hopeful they will figure something out, I've been resigned to the fact that this year was coming.  If you could go back and see my posts about Miles over the years, I was 100% confident that it would end badly at some point.  Les Miles is a personality guy, a force of will guy.  He learned he could recruit and sell his agenda and it's worked out for him pretty well.  But we know at the end of the day he's in over his head with the coaches he's competing with.  All that BS about his Michigan background, 3 yards and a cloud of dust, all that crap.  He convinced himself he could play that way and win, and the talent has held him up.

The lack of game plan against Bama in the championship game, the bowl debacle against Clemson, all the NFL draft picks without the titles to show for it.  He's still living off of 2007.  Now, like you said, the other teams have money, and they have good coaches, they are getting talent, and they will run circles around him.  I had this weird feeling in August that we were about to see it.  Maybe he can salvage it, but I'm convinced the end is near.  Eventually he will leave LSU in a bad state, like I always said he would.  If I could escort his silly ass back to Michigan, I'd be glad to do it.  Chavis is no more creative or innovative than he is.  Cameron is handicapped.  The coaching talent in our division is a tidal wave about to engulf him and he can't see it.  We're in trouble.


A Ryder Cup Captain Building Confidence.

The quotes are coming out about Tom Watson and bullish behavior toward the players.
The night before the singles in front of the golfers and their family at dinner our past drunkard captain showed his true colors.

"Watson started by saying, according to all of the sources: 'You stink at foursomes.'"

Then the players gave him a replica of the cup signed by all of the players and he again showed his classy side.

Watson went through the Sunday singles pairings and ridiculed several members of the European side as he went through the matchups. Soon after, Watson was presented a gift by Furyk, a replica of the Ryder Cup trophy that was signed by every member of the team. Instead of thanking them, the sources said Watson said the gift meant nothing to him if the players didn't get the real Ryder Cup on Sunday and that he wanted to be holding it aloft on the green in victory.
Said one of the sources: "That's almost verbatim. He said it basically means nothing to me.''

Added another: "It was fairly shocking that he treated this thoughtful gift with such disdain.''
Another quote:
"Four sources who witnessed the proceedings in the U.S. team room at the Gleneagles Hotel said that Watson took no responsibility for any shortcomings, scoffed at a gift that the U.S. team members gave him, ridiculed several European team players and started the proceedings by denigrating the Americans' play that afternoon."
"'You could have heard a pin drop in that room,' one of those in attendance said. 'He was pissed. It all went from there.'"

More on PHIL and his comments:

Phil’s a leader,” said a source who was in the locker room all week. “His fatherhood came out. He’s a protector. He was angry with the way Watson had talked to Keegan and Webb.”
The anger percolated all day Saturday as Mickelson roamed the Centenary Course, cheering on his teammates. In the locker room that night, Mickelson never addressed Watson, nor did he face his captain, but he reportedly spoke about each of his 11 teammates. Sources said it was a heartfelt talk, and others felt similarly.
“I’ve taken to heart what he said (that) night for 18 years,” Furyk said.

Watson didn’t communicate, and he didn’t listen to his vice captains,” said one source. “He was disrespectful (to players), but it wasn’t the time or place for Phil. Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
Yet another source took another view. “If Phil did this in private, if he said it to Watson’s face, to (PGA of America president) Ted Bishop’s face, no changes would be made. The U.S. would continue to go down the same alley.”

Decide what you want, but as someone who has played as part of team in golf, mindset is more important than at any other time in golf.  Negativity or doubt is the worst thing that a golfer can face while under duress of a round.
Watson is an ASS, always has been and always will be.  That he was a great golfer has allowed the media to cover up his past and I find it disgusting. 
If  your interesting in an overview.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Let's play what the what if game.

They are 4-2 with a trip to the swamp this weekend.

If they lose this weekend, I honestly believe that Les is going to Michigan.

The remaining schedule.

  1. Florida- The back breaker.  Both coaches are in a must win mind set and neither have the ability to let the offensive coaches do their job. 
  2. Kentucky- A dynamic offense that can run and pass is a 50/50 chance with the confidence crashing around everyone in Baton Rouge. If Miles gets conservative and starts pointing fingers like he did before Cam arrived they are doomed for the rest of the year.
  3. Ole Miss- Loss if they try to run and use short ball control they could get blown out.  Ole Miss has athletes on defense and will score because Freeze is just a better coach at getting the ball in the end zone.
  4. Bama- Loss, Saban is tired of slow down games with LSU,  I expect a bombs away attack early then run it down Miles throat. 
  5. Arkansas is 50/50 with that LSU interior defense and inept ability to open the offense  up. The linebackers are weak at the point of attack and the Hogs can pound the ball.  
  6. Texas A&M- Doom because by this time of the year the media and fans are screaming at Miles leading up to the game. He will still be blaming freshman and missed assignments on defense. 

Best Case.

  1. Florida- Win with Harris getting most of the snaps and maturing. 
  2. Kentucky - Win and Harris throws TDs.  
      1. If they win with Jennings it means Miles is planning on running the ball 70% of the time and they will lose the last 4, 
  3. Ole Miss- After a win and explosive offense showing at Kentucky.  LSU can win with Ole Miss starting slow. 
  4. Bama- Saban losing to Ole Miss could create a situation where he beats up his players and give LSU a chance if they have beaten the Rebs Saban is tired of slow down games with LSU,  I expect a bombs away attack early then run it down Miles throat. 
  5. Arkansas- They win with Harris but will lose with Jennings.
  6. Aggies- They can win this game if they the young guns have any confidence by winning against two of the teams besides Kentucky. 

Can LSU really finish 4-7 with all of these top 10 recruiting classes?

But, It seems absurd that this is happening.  7-5 seems more likely and maybe a trip to the Indepence Bowl if they are lucky.

Did you ever think you would see this?

1 Florida State (35)
2 Auburn (23)
3 Mississippi State (2)
3 Ole Miss
5 Baylor

Where do I even begin with this top 5 in America through a quarter of the season.

That Ole Miss and Mississippi State are tied for 3rd in the nation is the most astonishing thing that I have ever seen.

Throw in a Baylor team at number 5 and you have signs that the world may truly be coming to an end. 


For the record, I think Baylor is far and away the most overrated.
Yet, I think the two Mississippi schools are still going to lose two games each before the season is over.  

If LSU cannot win anything, I truly hope one of these two schools makes it through undefeated. 

LSU is really bad.

Many experts are blaming the talent at LSU for the failure.
About the same amount are blaming the Defensive Coordinator.

I am blaming the coaches, because they have had these issues for years against a spread.
These past LSU teams had NFL talent, yet we have watched everyone, but the Aggies go down the field when they spread it out.

Chavis is to vanilla and has too many reads for college kids to instinctively use in the heat of the moment.  How sickening is it hearing players say they had communication issues.  Does this sound familiar to the Cowboys fans that suffered through Rob Ryan and last year with Kiffin.  Offenses are attacking and adjusting to what they see.  Why is the defense not attacking?  Even the beloved Defense genius Saban is having problems with these complex offenses.  Why would Chavis think he can win with talent alone.

Mississippi State and Auburn averaged 8 yards a carry on first down.

That is not being prepared! The days of winning on pure talent are a thing of the past with the massive amounts of money each school in the SEC is getting now.

The offensive line is a complete confusion to me.  We had heard the accolades prior to the season, yet it seems that the other teams have two players coming free on every play.  Coaching?
I am confused, this is the same O Coordinator that had people running multiple routes last year.  They have reverted back to the days of Jordan Jefferson/Spenser Ware, pitch it back and pray.

Can freshman really be the cause of the change in play calling?  It makes no sense to me.   Miles has to realize that they cannot stop anyone, so why keep from attacking?

My best scenario or example is Malzahn, when he took over a horrible Auburn team we knew from recruiting that they had NFL talent.  The change was that he attacks on offense in such a way that the defense plays better because the opposing teams force plays trying to keep up.
41-7!!   Does anyone really believe that LSU has worse talent than Auburn or MState?

It is going to be a rough season, if Miles doesn't turn loose Harris in a wide open scheme and try to stay close by scoring in bunches early.   The Bill Walsh, Jimmy Johnson theory still applies.  Throw early and spread them out then pound them when they clear out the 9 people in the box.
