Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Let's play what the what if game.

They are 4-2 with a trip to the swamp this weekend.

If they lose this weekend, I honestly believe that Les is going to Michigan.

The remaining schedule.

  1. Florida- The back breaker.  Both coaches are in a must win mind set and neither have the ability to let the offensive coaches do their job. 
  2. Kentucky- A dynamic offense that can run and pass is a 50/50 chance with the confidence crashing around everyone in Baton Rouge. If Miles gets conservative and starts pointing fingers like he did before Cam arrived they are doomed for the rest of the year.
  3. Ole Miss- Loss if they try to run and use short ball control they could get blown out.  Ole Miss has athletes on defense and will score because Freeze is just a better coach at getting the ball in the end zone.
  4. Bama- Loss, Saban is tired of slow down games with LSU,  I expect a bombs away attack early then run it down Miles throat. 
  5. Arkansas is 50/50 with that LSU interior defense and inept ability to open the offense  up. The linebackers are weak at the point of attack and the Hogs can pound the ball.  
  6. Texas A&M- Doom because by this time of the year the media and fans are screaming at Miles leading up to the game. He will still be blaming freshman and missed assignments on defense. 

Best Case.

  1. Florida- Win with Harris getting most of the snaps and maturing. 
  2. Kentucky - Win and Harris throws TDs.  
      1. If they win with Jennings it means Miles is planning on running the ball 70% of the time and they will lose the last 4, 
  3. Ole Miss- After a win and explosive offense showing at Kentucky.  LSU can win with Ole Miss starting slow. 
  4. Bama- Saban losing to Ole Miss could create a situation where he beats up his players and give LSU a chance if they have beaten the Rebs Saban is tired of slow down games with LSU,  I expect a bombs away attack early then run it down Miles throat. 
  5. Arkansas- They win with Harris but will lose with Jennings.
  6. Aggies- They can win this game if they the young guns have any confidence by winning against two of the teams besides Kentucky. 

Can LSU really finish 4-7 with all of these top 10 recruiting classes?

But, It seems absurd that this is happening.  7-5 seems more likely and maybe a trip to the Indepence Bowl if they are lucky.

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