Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Ryder Cup Captain Building Confidence.

The quotes are coming out about Tom Watson and bullish behavior toward the players.
The night before the singles in front of the golfers and their family at dinner our past drunkard captain showed his true colors.

"Watson started by saying, according to all of the sources: 'You stink at foursomes.'"

Then the players gave him a replica of the cup signed by all of the players and he again showed his classy side.

Watson went through the Sunday singles pairings and ridiculed several members of the European side as he went through the matchups. Soon after, Watson was presented a gift by Furyk, a replica of the Ryder Cup trophy that was signed by every member of the team. Instead of thanking them, the sources said Watson said the gift meant nothing to him if the players didn't get the real Ryder Cup on Sunday and that he wanted to be holding it aloft on the green in victory.
Said one of the sources: "That's almost verbatim. He said it basically means nothing to me.''

Added another: "It was fairly shocking that he treated this thoughtful gift with such disdain.''
Another quote:
"Four sources who witnessed the proceedings in the U.S. team room at the Gleneagles Hotel said that Watson took no responsibility for any shortcomings, scoffed at a gift that the U.S. team members gave him, ridiculed several European team players and started the proceedings by denigrating the Americans' play that afternoon."
"'You could have heard a pin drop in that room,' one of those in attendance said. 'He was pissed. It all went from there.'"

More on PHIL and his comments:

Phil’s a leader,” said a source who was in the locker room all week. “His fatherhood came out. He’s a protector. He was angry with the way Watson had talked to Keegan and Webb.”
The anger percolated all day Saturday as Mickelson roamed the Centenary Course, cheering on his teammates. In the locker room that night, Mickelson never addressed Watson, nor did he face his captain, but he reportedly spoke about each of his 11 teammates. Sources said it was a heartfelt talk, and others felt similarly.
“I’ve taken to heart what he said (that) night for 18 years,” Furyk said.

Watson didn’t communicate, and he didn’t listen to his vice captains,” said one source. “He was disrespectful (to players), but it wasn’t the time or place for Phil. Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
Yet another source took another view. “If Phil did this in private, if he said it to Watson’s face, to (PGA of America president) Ted Bishop’s face, no changes would be made. The U.S. would continue to go down the same alley.”

Decide what you want, but as someone who has played as part of team in golf, mindset is more important than at any other time in golf.  Negativity or doubt is the worst thing that a golfer can face while under duress of a round.
Watson is an ASS, always has been and always will be.  That he was a great golfer has allowed the media to cover up his past and I find it disgusting. 
If  your interesting in an overview.

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