Tuesday, October 7, 2014

LSU is really bad.

Many experts are blaming the talent at LSU for the failure.
About the same amount are blaming the Defensive Coordinator.

I am blaming the coaches, because they have had these issues for years against a spread.
These past LSU teams had NFL talent, yet we have watched everyone, but the Aggies go down the field when they spread it out.

Chavis is to vanilla and has too many reads for college kids to instinctively use in the heat of the moment.  How sickening is it hearing players say they had communication issues.  Does this sound familiar to the Cowboys fans that suffered through Rob Ryan and last year with Kiffin.  Offenses are attacking and adjusting to what they see.  Why is the defense not attacking?  Even the beloved Defense genius Saban is having problems with these complex offenses.  Why would Chavis think he can win with talent alone.

Mississippi State and Auburn averaged 8 yards a carry on first down.

That is not being prepared! The days of winning on pure talent are a thing of the past with the massive amounts of money each school in the SEC is getting now.

The offensive line is a complete confusion to me.  We had heard the accolades prior to the season, yet it seems that the other teams have two players coming free on every play.  Coaching?
I am confused, this is the same O Coordinator that had people running multiple routes last year.  They have reverted back to the days of Jordan Jefferson/Spenser Ware, pitch it back and pray.

Can freshman really be the cause of the change in play calling?  It makes no sense to me.   Miles has to realize that they cannot stop anyone, so why keep from attacking?

My best scenario or example is Malzahn, when he took over a horrible Auburn team we knew from recruiting that they had NFL talent.  The change was that he attacks on offense in such a way that the defense plays better because the opposing teams force plays trying to keep up.
41-7!!   Does anyone really believe that LSU has worse talent than Auburn or MState?

It is going to be a rough season, if Miles doesn't turn loose Harris in a wide open scheme and try to stay close by scoring in bunches early.   The Bill Walsh, Jimmy Johnson theory still applies.  Throw early and spread them out then pound them when they clear out the 9 people in the box.


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