Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hard Knocks- Jets

HBO has real bunch of winners with this Jets Team.

A few points:
1. Joe McKnight. - Disappointment- We heard him lie about recruiting with his phonww conversations with Reggie Bush, so I should not be surprised with the TV. The portrayal of him as a lazy buffoon is just mean and appears true.

2. Mark Sanchez- My biggest shocker. He is really immature and not too classy. It appears Sanchez is just another athlete that turns on a smile for the camera and appears weak in the maturity department. He practices poorly, he pouts, he ignores his coaches even when they are telling him to act professional. Overall, I have the same feeling as last year, he still needs to prove what he is and not just an average QB with inaccuracies. He really lost me with this multi-millionaire belittles a pizza joint worker, because they charge 59 cents for his order of ranch dressing.

3. I think I like Rex Ryan. But he needs to lose the belief that fights matter with a psyche.
He told the camera he wanted Verne Gholston to fight the next day, so they set it up for an O lineman to make him mad... Who cares about practice, Gholston will still flake out when it matters.

4. The RB coach will never be a head coach. Too Macho.

5. USC may sue HBO> Even ex-USC players don't argue that Joe McKnight may have taken a pay cut to play with the Jets.


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