Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Livestrong II

Food for thought: can a man be both good & bad? Today I read that the Livestrong Foundation is in the top 10 cancer-funding organizations in the US. To date Lance & Co. have raised over $325 million for cancer research. They took 130,000 gold bracelets to Europe for the racing season, and sold out. Dan Patrick ran a survey in which he asked his listeners that if Armstrong cheated, but helped cure cancer, was the cheating worth it. Over half said yes. Food for thought.



Anonymous said...

I agree with the benefit outweighs the cheating.

I will go further, I understand why people would cheat to support their family.

Thus, my continued opinion that the professional sports teams should allow drug use at a Doctors supervision. I have never waffled on this, let them take whatever drugs that are deemed safe with supervision and remove the pain or prepares them for the sports.

The NFL lost all of those old football players because they used the roids with no supervision, thus abuse.

Shame on the NFL and the FDA for not giving people drugs that can make for a better life without pain. I know this from personal experience, some laws need to be more logical and not based on patent attorneys and lobbyist.


Anonymous said...

My previous note does not change my disgust on Armstrong. Basically everyone in Europe was telling America that he was cheating and he continued to do it and act "Holier than Though."

This is not a good man, no matter how many people are saved by his foundations. The Dr's deserved the credit. Armstrong is only an actor.