Tuesday, February 1, 2011

World of Golf

It was enjoyable to have golf back on the Tube this weekend.

Crazy ending to the tournament with Phil laying up and having his caddie tend the pin from 72 yards out and missing by about a foot. 

But the biggest story:  Woods-  PGA Rookie said that Woods quit on Sunday.

"I don't think he gave it everything today," "Once it started going in the wrong direction, I don't think it had his full attention."
Wow!  It is well known that I cannot stand Tigger, but I winced when I saw his new putting stroke and then this comment made me pause.
His ability to read greens has always been his golden trigger and now that seems to have vanished. 
On weeks in which Woods reads his putts he will still blow people away and forget that he ruined his own swing. But the mental psyche of seeing negatives has entered his mind and now he has to find it again.

For the record Phil may not be able to practice with his illness, but he is still a force..  He was off on Sunday and still almost pulled it out.


Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/02/01/fanhousetigerwoodsbrendanste.DTL#ixzz1Cl42V3kzuring the final round.

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