Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cowboy Draft Talk

Some writers are in the mode to speculate, So I will join them.
9th Pick on the board, what would I do.

1.  If Peterson drops past 2, trade the farm.
2.  Would I pick a Green or Jones at WR? 
      Depends on Garrett's future- Long Term or Short Term.
     Long Term, Yes on Green, as I have said before I think he is the 2nd most impactful player in draft.
     Short Term,  Romo runs for his life on nearly every play OLINE Sucks and the D Line is WEAK.
Get rid of Roy UNO UNO, let Miles and Green push super freak Bryant.  He is a first round trade at anytime.
3.  OL or DL-  I go OLINE everyday, they are pathetic and if its not the OLINE Coaches fault or the strength coach.  They just suck. 
I see where Red Jesus was at USC pro day watching Tyron Smith. 
If he doesn't play tough, I hope they pass on him, even if he is the most talented.  I see where he gained 25 pounds to get ready for PRO Day and still ran good times. Is this a guy that worked hard in his years at USC, I dont know, but 25lbs seems like he just decided to prepare.
The DLine guys to me drop significantly after those top 4.  But you cannot teach heart so maybe they find a steal later.
4.  DB- Our Nebraska CB seems to be in Flux, but I would take him if he truly can play man to man press coverage. Heck even if he can't, at least they would have a safety that can play coverage.

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