Sunday, March 27, 2011

Final Four - Wow

Where do we start with this group of teams?
VCU or Butler will be in Finals?  Butler two years in a row? Wow.

VCU- What a job this coach has done preparing his defense to attack everyone. I have been wrong

Butler- Can anyone really believe they are in 2 Final Fours in a row.  Someone needs to offer this guy big bucks.

UCONN- Prior to December this was a probable final 4 pick for everyone, but then they fell apart with the NCAA scandals.    Now, Walker has looked great and they should definitely be favored.

Kentucky- I will be pulling for these freshman next weekend.  It is enjoyable to watch them pressure on defense and pull up on offense if the fast breaks isn't there.   Coach Cal is special!

Who would have thought that the SEC would have two teams in final 8 and the city of Richmond would add 2 of there own?


I really hate the UCONN will probably win this thing. 
I want a Bulter/Kentucky Finals.

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