Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cowboys signing of Spears and Coleman.

Not the big hit that people were hoping for, myself included.
But the postive.
Spears is a likeable guy that his teammates seem to love .

Did you know Coleman had more tackles last year than Suh or Ware?
The 3-4 doesn't allow DE for many sacks in the past, but his productivity was really high
when compared to what other DE was putting up.


Suh and Fairley

Suh is a beast and when you add a motivated Fairley it will be a truly great line.

Suh has a great speaking voice and I appreciated his candor last year.
This year, either through a PR firm or an ego, he is not the same easy to listen to chap.

During an interview last week, I heard Suh refer to Fairley as a "Kid" and how he would have to adjust to the game.
Seriously,  I wonder what that 1 year of age difference has allowed Suh to experience coming from Oregon via Nebraska?

I really hope Suh does not become another lecturing player hung up on his own brilliance.


Friday, July 29, 2011

Jay Ratliff

Jonathan told me that Ratliff showed up for camp at 285lb.
We immediately went into the possibilities of Ratliff at DE and finally getting a Mountain of a Man to clog the center
and keep those guards off of the ILB's.

Then I saw in Spagnola's article that Ratliff is getting a lot of time at DE, and this was prior to Spears Resigning.
Good stuff if Ryan is already tweaking that DL.


Newton vs Bradford contract.

The new NFL contract has Newton in camp at about 28 million less guaranteed than Bradford received.
I know S loves Bradford, but this NFL contract is a definite improvement in this fashion.

I hope the Panthers install an offense that will let Cam play, he is just a freak and not prepared for most NFL offenses.
I really would have liked to see him with Reid or McCarthy. 

Free Agents

Asomugha not going to Dallas does not bother me as much as some other things could.
I never wanted them to drop the bank on another CB, he is not Deion. CB is actually not the problem to me. 
Safeties and no pass rush seems to be more a problem.

DE is still a problem, I am fine with resigning Spears for a fair amount, but now what?  Put some beef on him and move him inside.
Where is Huff going?
  Sign a hog in the middle and move Ratliff around to rush, anything.
OL is still waiting for attention also.
I will be happy with Huff and Jenkins(he is old and injuried.)  Maybe Elam comes back with Ryan, he has to be better than what was out there last year.  I saw where Jax signed Landry from the Ravens, so that is one safety gone.

And for my Cowboys irritating moment-
  I saw in the paper that the Cowboy kicker was barely making half of his FG in practice again.  

Eagles - I find the Eagles signings scary for Cowboy fans.
 I assume they still have money or knowledge that Jackson will be in camp and available when the season starts.
Lets see if Reid can fix Young like McNabb and Dogkiller.  I was kind of hoping Young would end up with Bush in Miami so he could finally get the heisman that was stolen from him a few years ago.

Patriots.- Haynesworth and Johnson.  I don't know what I think about adding this two locker room problems to an already aging group that cannot cheat as much to win anymore.

Saints-  trading Bush needed to happen and should help both teams.  The Dolphins are so boring and Bush can play in the right situation.  I did hear his EGO go off saying he would carry the load as number one tailback.  That should be interesting.
The Saints needed to get his drama out of camp anyway.  Maybe they will find the Heisman Trophy when they clean out his house.  Signing Sproles answers part of the missing piece of Bush and Sproles will probably stay healthy and thus be more dependable.
 I love Sproles he is a waterbug and a more productive pro for a lot less money and drama.
I did see where Brees commented that they may get more out of Sproles than from Bush...OUCH from the Saints under 6 foot Prima Donna number 2, I guess this moves Brees to number 1.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's Wrong with Feliz

Neftali Feliz is blowing saves, has an ERA well over 3, and is not striking people out.  He is striking no fear.  What happened to the kid who hit the bigs just 1 and a half years ago and hit 100 on the gun with his first pitch?  I love Mike Maddux, but something is not right with Feliz and he has to figure it out if the Rangers are to be real contenders.


Gosselin the Columnist?

I was stunned to read yesterday that the NFL guru Rick Gosselin is joining the ranks of Morning News columnists and bolting his NFL beat.  Says he is looking forward to writing about baseball, basketball, etc.  What a loss.  I always counted on Rick to give the straight poop on what was going on in football.  He is one of the most tied-in and respected voices covering the NFL.  Now I just get his opinions every day?  Not good.


Age Strikes Ichiro

Is age claiming another victim in the form of the great Ichiro Suzuki?  One of my favorite players, Ichiro is batting nearly 60 pts below his career avg of .328 and can hardly get a ball out of the infield.  At 37 and with 10 all-star caliber years behind him plus his Japanese league days, it appears he is out of gas.  Ichiro brought a unique set of skills to the majors, dinking singles during a steriod era, stealing bases, and patrolling right field with a cannon arm.  Hall of fame with just 10 great years?  I say yes, no doubt.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Impact ot Horn Network

This came out of Pac 12 media days.  Quote from Pac West commish.
"I think you could certainly imply that, with the news that we're going to announce tonight," Scott told the newspaper. "The Longhorn Network would be certainly a huge impediment."
Scott reiterated his recent comments that future expansion was coming, but it's unlikely now that Texas would be a part of it.

Last year, Tubberville got in trouble for commenting on Texas and the little 9 conference.
Here is his quote this year.

"I said a few things last year. And, of course, I believe that," he said. "I don't know what the future is, but I don't think there's any doubt we can sustain with 10 teams and we can make the best out of it and even become a stronger conference maybe than what it was."

Tuberville, though, left with one last quip.

"That's a political answer, right? I worked on that," he said.

Butch Davis Fired at UNC.

Citing academic reputation they chancellor let go of Coach Davis.

Admitting UNC has been in constant trouble since Davis arrived.
It makes you wonder what was really going on at Miami all those years.


J's Intiial Playoff and Super Bowl Teams

NFC- NO, GB, AZ, PHILLY, Atl, Dallas.

Divisional Finals
AFC- Jets-Balt.

Saints beat Ravens

I picked the Saints to win two years ago and this year, so I am sticking with it.
It will be disgusting listening to the (as S calls them) "mindless lot of Saints fans but the coach is just special.

Media and Cowboys.

The articles have started flowing on the Cowboys and Saints.
A few points, I am considering when deciding which articles to read.

Ignore anyone that mentions questions about the Dallas offense or Romo (except an injury) as a reason for not winning the division. Since Romo and Garrett have been together Dallas has been an actual top 5 team in offensive yardage and yards per play when Romo is healthy.  Even in years he missed games they are in top third.

Can they score points, no. but they also have had the worse special teams kicking records in the NFL for the last 5 years.
 I find this scoring issue to be a coaching problem more than an execution from the QB.

Saints- Offense.
Similar to Dallas it is an absolute waste of time.  Coach Sean is a magician and the Saints are top 3 every year.
Ingram in my mind will be Rookie MVP is Peyton lets him play 60 percent of the plays.
I find, Ingram unlike Bush, a NFL type player that will make the Saints offense even more ball control heavy in bad weather.

Defensive Discussions and Players are always a good place to start with these two teams.
Dallas gave up 2nd most in the league last year. The Saints were fine at 7th last year but and they still have a few areas to improve but still give up too many yards a game.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How obvious is it that Cowboys GM is terrible.

I had to take another shot at Jerry Jones the GM, for having these 3 players on his roster in 2009 and 2010.
Should we add up what Dallas spent, gave up or turned down to have Williams, Davis and Barber on the roster?


Good article on some of the cuts from Matt Mosley

Is Jerry finally serious?

I appreciate the start with a cut of ROY UNOUNO, BIG Nothing Davis andShouldve been gone 3 years ago Barber. 

If I had my wish list, we would add a four more to the list.

A cut of Bradie James and Terrence Newman would not bother me in the least.
Too slow or too old take your pick.   Spend the money somewhere else.
If they had more lineman in camp, I get rid of Gurode also.
Last, but first to go would be Marty Bennett, what a whack job. Lazy under acheivers need to be cut.

I hope they resign Columbo for a smaller amount, at least he played hard when healthy and tackles are hard to find.
Did I mention that David Buehler is still the Cowboys kicker?  Really?


Monday, July 25, 2011

Getting Cowboys under the Cap.

An artiticle on where to start the cuts to get under the cap.
Columbo, Barber and Williams.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Big 12

Since we have started talking about the Texas talent, I decided to peak into the schedules of the Big 12.

Here is the media's pre season poll.
1.  Oklahoma 2. Texas A&M  3. Okie St 4. Missouri  5. Texas  6. Baylor 7. Texas Tech 8. Kansas St 9. Iowa St. 10.Kansas.

My Prediction.
1.) Oklahoma- 11-1   If they get past Fla State, I think they will be undefeated going to OKST on last game with a BCS title game in the outcome.
2. )Texas-   9-3   Last year had to be a fluke with some horrible coaching and a crybaby mentality.
 I expect Brown to fix the errors there is way too much talent on this roster.
T3.) Okie State-  8-4 O coordinator leaving keeps them from a real chance for BCS game.
T3.) Aggies.-  8-4  For some reason, I cannot trust Sherman.
5.) TTech 8-4
6.) Baylor,  7.) Missouri  8.) Iowas St.  9.) KState 10.) Kansas.

I think the Big 12 is better this year.


bay 7

Talent Follow up.

Yes, I do drink the SEC Kool-aid as the best in talent, but with reason.
I would place the states of California, Ohio and Texas ahead of the SEC states excluding Florida in Football talent, but of course that is based on total population.  Louisiana and Mississippi are still way ahead in percentage of population.
USC in my opinion has always been at the top of talent list during the last 10 years.  The SEC teams just play against better teams week in and week out and seem to develop at a higher rate.  I would have placed Texas, Okla, Ohio State and USC ahead of everyone but Florida during the decade.

Here is an article from April 2011 on conference NFL status.
The scary part of these numbers are that Alabama with Saban and Auburn with Chiznik will make the NFL talent depth lean more to the SEC unless probation
NFL Players.
SEC-308, 25.6
ACC- 278, 23.1
Big 10-256, 23.2
Big 12-221, 18.4
Pac-10-215, 21.5
Big East-115, 14.3

4 of top 10 schools with active NFL players are SEC schools.
7 of top 25.

1. Miami, FL-45
2. LSU-44
T3. Texas, Ohio State-42
5. USC-39
6. Georgia-38
7. Florida-36
8. Tennessee-35
T9. Michigan, California-33
11. Florida State-31
T12. Iowa, Oklahoma-30
T14. Maryland, Penn State, Nebraska-29
T17. Auburn, Notre Dame-27
T19. Alabama, Purdue-26
T21. Georgia Tech, Virginia, Oregon-25
24. Michigan State-24
T25. Boston College, Ole Miss, Virginia Tech-23

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Talent Question

It doesn't take much time reading this blog to conclude that J drinks lots of SEC kool-aid and pretty much scoffs at all other schools and conferences.  I myself completely support the SEC and do so living in a sea of Big 12 dreamers.  However I have lived in TX for 23 years and get a little irritated at the implication that people over here can't play football and don't have any talent.  So, I thought I would take a moment to compile a few numbers for the front-running football factories in today's landscape.  There is no doubt that the SEC is best from top to bottom.  But are these other schools just to be dismissed?  Should they all just join the SEC or close up shop?

To answer the question whether schools outside of the SEC are getting any talent, I looked at the NFL draft going back 7 years and recruiting going back the same.  How many top-flight players are coming into these schools, and how many are being drafted by the NFL?  Let's take a look:

NFL total draft picks since 2005:

USC - 58
LSU - 40
Oklahoma - 40
Ohio St. - 39
Florida - 33
Texas - 33
Alabama - 28

NFL 'premium' draft picks since 2005 (top 3 rounds):

USC - 34
Oklahoma - 22
Texas - 22
LSU - 21
Ohio St. - 19
Florida - 17
Alabama - 17

Number of players on NFL rosters:

USC - 57
LSU - 56
Texas - 50
Ohio St. - 47
Florida - 44
Oklahoma - 40
Alabama - 37

Number of 4 or 5-star Rivals players landed since 2005:

USC - 114
Florida - 110
Texas - 103
Alabama - 101
LSU - 99
Oklahoma - 91
Ohio St. - 80

If we rank each school in each category and assign points, here is how the question of who has the most talent plays out.  The lower total equals the highest rank:

1. USC - 4 total pts, finished first in each category, not even close
2. LSU - 13 total pts, strong in each category
2. Texas - 13 total pts, similar to the Tigers
4. Oklahoma - 16 total pts, Sooners strong in the draft
5. Florida - 18 total pts, seem to be bringing in more talent than what is going out
6. Ohio St. - 20 total pts, OK in all categories, not great in any
7. Alabama - 24 total pts, success too recent with Saban, most premium NFL picks last 3 seasons


DFW Radio

The Ticket and their blend of sports & comedy continue to smash the competition in DFW.  Among men 25-54 the Ticket is the number 1 radio station in all of DFW regardless of format.  ESPN does well at 6th among all stations, but it's ratings are only half of the Ticket.  They play to the lowest common demominator; talk sports at a high level that anyone can understand, and try to make people laugh.  It works; I don't listen to a second of it anymore, but I can't deny that they have the formula for success.


More Horns Network Stuff

Shaping up to be an interesting battle between the Horns and the Big 12.  Some facts to remember: ESPN has signed on for $300 million for 20 years PLUS they spent $13 million on a studio in Austin, have pledged $15 million a year for the production budget, have hired 75 staffers for the network, and will pay $11 million a year in overhead.  So, it's not just the Horns battling the Big 12, they also have the monster ESPN in their corner.  They didn't pay all this money to show the Mack Brown show 24/7.  The outcome of this battle will have long-term implications for the NCAA.  Meanwhile the Horns continue to make enemies.  I guess it's not that easy being the bully on the block.


Friday, July 22, 2011


I saw a clip on Edward Whitey Ford today and it reminded me of how good he really was.
He broke into the Yankees line up in 1950 and won 9 in a row to finish at 9-1. 
He served in the Army in the Korean War between 51 and 52
Upon his return, he went 18-6 in 1953.
2.74 lifetime ERA and 69% winning percentage was the highest among new era pitchers with 200 plus wins.
World Series Records
He ranks first all-time in World Series wins with 10. He was 10-8 with 2.71 ERA.
Games and games started (22), innings pitched, bases on balls, and strikeouts.

Between 1960, 61 and 62 he pitched 33 2/3 scoreless innings in World Series play, breaking Babe's record of 29 2/3. 'j

Aggies finally go Public on Horns Network.

It is about time that someone went public in the Big 12 about Texas running wild with this TV network.
Dan Beebe at A&M finally went to the media with the complaints.

It seems that Texas and Espn not only plan on showing more live games than they initially said they would, they are increasing the High School coverage. 

Maybe it is me, but this is a huge recruiting benefit.  They will be able to tell parents to watch their kid on the Horn network during text messages or visits.  

Evidently A&M and the other teams have asked the NCAA to get involved.
I really hope the Aggies and Sooners bolt to the SEC. 
The Horn clan will rue the day that the SEC gets into the Houston and DFW television market.

Utah in PAC 12

Bill King was talking about the financial impact of the Utah joining the Pac 12 conference.

Last year they received about a little over a Million to 20 Million.


Sheridan cont- SEC

He based his predictions on recruiting in a 3 year period.
Sheridan loves the Auburn staff and thinks they are the best recruiters as a whole in the nation.

Other comments.
1.) SEC- East.  3 team race. GA, SC, Fla.   (He thinks the Fla schedule is too heavy)
Fla get LSU-Bama -Auburn - while Ga gets only Auburn.  SC gets Auburn and Ark.
Florida has 6 teams that could be top 10 in 2012.

2)  He downplayed MState based on just talent.
3) Sheridan loves Chiznik, he went on about the Iowa State job that he did.  That Cyclone team did go to a bowl and beat BEVO in Austin.

4) He did give Hogs a chance in the SEC West. 


Danny Sheridan on XM.

Danny Sheridan was on Finebaum's show yesterday and said some really interesting things.

1. He says the NCAA thinks they have the middle man in the Cam Newton payoff, but haven't been able to get a written document signed to prove the payout. Supposedly Dad's church only got 20-30K from the payout.
2. The NCAA has decided to make errors like LSU a bigger penalty.  No excuses.
3.  Currently 15 on going investigations into major violations.  some i know of ...LSU. Oregon, Auburn, Boise State, South Carolina. Ohio St.

4.  LSU is the most talented team in the Nation
5.  Bama is number 2 and only behind LSU because of the QB being yountg.

6.  Most likely BCS teams.  A). Boise State- One game season.  B.) Oklahoma -2 game season. Fla ST - Okie St..C) Oregon 2 games. LSU-Stanford.

7. Then he got on SEC.
-Auburn will win 9 games, they have more talent and he loves the coaching staff.
- He said that LSU-Bama- ARK-Auburn are the best teams in SEC.  
- He likes Florida next but the schedule is too brutal.

8. When talking about the SEC teams losing a game or two.
He said, you can always lose in the SEC  It is not like these other Pansie leagues.  He was referring to everyone else.

LSU Probation.

So with LSU self admitted infraction, that leaves only Vandy without an NCAA Probation in Football.

I see it was DJ McCarthy that is the responsible party, not a good situation.
Especially with the ongoing Lyles case with the NCAA continuing.


Oregon-LSU-  Probation Bowl?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rick Leach on College Football

I had the opportunity to listen to Leach discuss his book and then touch on what he expects in CFB this year.

1.  He loves Spurrier,  Thinks that the "Ole Ball Coach" is the driving force behind all of the changes in the passing game being accepted.  He told a story about Spurrier that he called a legend in Fla.  That Spurrier was upset with the FG kicker missing and told his coach to let him kick.  Of course he made the FG with 2 minutes left.  (1966 against Auburn to lead them to 30-27 win.) He said he was the most competitive person he ever met.

2. Top 3 Teams .
Bama, LSU, OK
From his statements he was pretty clear that he thought LSU and Bama are the most talented teams.
The other host questioned his pick of LSU and he went into some details that surprised me.  The other guy was doubting Jefferson.  Leach acknowledge the problems and passed it off to coaching. 
His quote was that if last year.
If LSU was just "Average" on Offense they would have won the whole thing last year, and that this year nobody would beat them.  (He says JJ just needs to let it happen slowly. )

3.  He also talked about the different types of coaches.
A) Those that love it and are involved in the game planning and coaching..  He respected this group.
B)  Those that like to recruit and really don't thrive on coaching, they act it on Saturdays but are not doing it behind the scenes.
C)  Those that like the title, but never really enjoy it.


Monday, July 18, 2011


My second episode in Golf was the Celebrity Golf Tourney on Sunday.
Jack Wagner won and deserved to win after his first two rounds.

More impressive to me was Tony Romo, he is a talented young lad with power and balance.
Last years champ, Billy Joe Tolliver, plays at a local club here and is really good.
I am not sure people understand how could these guys are at the top. 
They are not close to the pro's on TV, but they are much better than the average plus 2 guys at the local club.

Romo has played in 4 of these things and has 3 second place finishes and 1 third.
If he ever plays good on day 1 he will win this tourney going away.  He has some serious power.
That being said, he has to learn to hit a controlled cut shot from the fairway to get to that next level of golfers.
Of course the short game of the PGA guys is the next 3 strokes these guys have to find.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chubby Chandler - An Agent.

This man is touched by a Four Leaf Clover and so his ISM.
His clients have won 5 of the last 6 majors.

Darren Clarke was talking about him during his acceptance speech.
Clarke's contract with Chandler has always been a handshake and in the last 20 years has become something special.  This is 2.0 of the Palmer - McCormick agreement from years ago.   Some have compared his style to the Jerry McGuire Movie, with Cruise and Gooding's friendship and compassion.

3 of last 6 major have been won by Northern Irishman who work with Chubby.( Rory, McDowell and Clarke.)
(Population less than 1.7 million people. )
He also has Ernie Els, Westwood, Masters Champ Schwartzel and last years British open Champ Oosthuizen in his group.

I guess chubby will start working on Lee Westwood getting his major next.
Let's check his eye for talent.  I was reading an article from last Feb. where Chubby said that Tiger has lost the fear factor, when he talked about the Ryo from Japan being ahead of Rory at 18.

British Open - Comments

1. Love the shots the golfers have to hit in links. Knock down shots
2. Americans need more of links golf to appreciate the bounce of a round object.
3. Great to see shot tracker on full swings on the DirectTV broadcast.
4.  How can Phil shot the lowest round of the day and it feels like he shot 80.
5.  Rory still cannot putt well enough to rival what Tiger did.
6.  Dustin Johnson is uber talent.
7.  Westwood is about the only one left in Chubby's posse without a Major and he maybe the best one.
8.  I like watching golf in inclimate weather, sunshine is not as enjoyable to me.
9.  Tom Watson - Why do I dislike him? When he talks I see an act and I don't know why.  Maybe it is my past readings of how he treated people during his drinking days.
10.  The Putt tracker predictor does not work very well.  Some putts went the opposite way at the hole.
11.  I have smiled after the last two Majors with an Irishman winning.  I may lose my USA card.
12.  European players act like old school Americans.
 Americans seem so distant and closed off to the world.
  Is this the result of the judgemental American public?
Have we taken all of the character out of our children in American with our judgemental views of how people should act? Why would we ever follow the lead of the extremist in modern music and politics?

Darren Clarke

What a perfect guy to win the Claret Jug.

Darren Clarke is a Flashback to the 30's-60's of golf.  He laughs, cries, drinks, jokes, smokes and more importantly makes fun of himself and everyone else. 

He really endeared himself to the world during his wives lost battle to breast cancer. Phil talked about Clarke calling him during his wife's battle with cancer. 
Clarke won me years ago when he was talking about his tough guy days and boxing.  He commented on VJ and Phil being big guys and a handful.  When he was asked about his good friend Tiger, who was overly juice up at the time, he laughed it off and said he would whip him without question.

Great day for the world of Golf.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sensabaugh Backhanded Slap at Jerry.

Free Agent Sensabaugh's agent maybe having trouble sleeping.

His reasoning for last years 1-7 start was the marry-go-round training camp schedule.

"It had nothing to do with Wade leaving or Garrett coming on,” Sensabaugh recently told NFL Radio. “I don’t know, maybe guys were a little bit tired. Training camp was kind of dreadful over there. We did two camps. We went to San Antonio, did a week in Dallas, went to Oxnard, California, and we started off real slow. And it showed in our first six games.”


Kurt Warner and Warren Sapp on Romo

Warner is a believer.
Mr Warner thinks it is not a Romo issue and that he is a top 10 QB without question.
Vick expectation discussion was a bit more skeptical.

Sapp is not
"I don’t think he has the potential to raise his game,” Sapp said on NFL Total Access. “We’re talking about a guy that’s from Eastern Illinois, and when you look at the young man, undrafted in this league and then he had 17 starts before they gave him a 6-year, $67 million contract. When you look at this contract, from ’07 until now we’re in ‘10, they really haven’t got a lot of return for their money that they gave an undrafted guy in this league.”
“So if I’m looking at that, I don’t think he fits that glove of knowing what the stage is. And if you don’t know what that stage is, it’s tough to perform on it.”

I do find it funny that a guy like Sapp, with his drug past and lack of scholarly qualifications that gets paid to speak, would question Romo because he came from a small school.
Should someone tell him where Warner went to School?


Forbes Magazine Article.

The most valuable Sports Franchises in the world is out again.

1.  Manchester United 1.86 Billion. 
2.  Dallas Cowboys  1.81 Billion.   If Jerry would hire a Football GM and get out of the way, Dallas would be No 1.
3.  Yankees 1.7 Billion.  Someone Tell the Northeast Media this ranking is the norm now.
4.  Redskins- 1.55  Billion - Tell Snyder to read what I wrote about Jones.
5.  Real Madris - 1.45 Billion.


1986 Rewind in Golf

This post is to remember greatness, even when it was a "What If ."

Greg Norman won the British Open that year.

But what is truly crazy is that led all 4 majors after Saturday nite.
Greg Norman played in the final group in all 4!
They call it the Saturday Slam when making jest at Norman.

He bogied 18 at the Masters to lose to Jack.
Shot a 75 in the US open to lose.
Won the British in a truly crazy display of talent.
Then lost the PGA  when Bob Tway holed out from the bunker on 18.

Snake Bit? Norman then lost the next major in wild fashion.
He lost a playoff to Larry Mize at the Masters when Mize holed out from 45 yards to win the Masters.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

British Open

Please pick a winner for me.  I have no idea who to pick.

Rory is too streaky on the greens for me to feel comfy.  But I would like him to win it.
Jason Day is my next pick for a few majors. He can get up and down when he needs to.
Luke Donald, I hope not. Still do not know how he could be number 1.
Kuchar- I wouldn't be surprised. He is better than Ben Curtis or Cink.
Westwood- Something about him reminds me of Monty.
Phil- Nope. not a low ball hitter.
Sergio-Maybe if someone gives him 2 beta blockers.
Poulter-  I would pull for Donald over him.

Gary Woodland is a beast that I wish could handle the short stuff.
Charl Schwartzel is my pick.


Phil Steele - SEC Tidbits

A refresher on some of his comments.

Arkansas is 8th most talented team in the Nation.
Auburn goes from 1st to last in SEC West.

Bama is back with returners on Defense to rule the world.
He repeated what S said last year, no way Bama repeats with only 2 returners on D last year.


Allstar Game

The Good - Wearing the actual team jersey.
The Bad- Players skipping the game after being selected.
The Ugly- Baseball is in need of less teams and much less time between pitches.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

HS All-Sports Awards DFW

Southlake and Highland Park once again dominated the DFW-area all-sports awards for the 2010-11 school year.  Southlake was easily #1 among the 63 area 5A schools, scoring very well in each of the 18 ranked sports other than boys basketball and girls softball.  And the rankings did not include their state title in Hockey which is non-UIL.  They also won state in boys swimming and boys soccer and were state runner up in girls swimming and boys golf.  It's an amazing program, having won the all-sports title for 8 of the last 9 years, with only Plano West stopping them 5 years ago.  Allen finished 11th in 5A.


Passing Efficiency

Entering the 2011 season, seven of the 10 most efficient passers of all-time are active. Green Bay’s Aaron Rodgers reached the necessary 1,500 career passes in 2010 to qualify and now sits atop the list as the most efficient quarterback of all-time with a 98.41 rating. Philip Rivers (Chargers) is No. 2; Tony Romo (Cowboys) is No. 4; Tom Brady (Patriots) is No. 5; Peyton Manning (Colts) is No. 6, Ben Roethlisberger (Steelers) is No. 8; and Drew Brees (Saints) is No. 10. Only Rivers and Romo of the seven do not own Super Bowl rings.

Any statistic that reflects that 7 of the 10 best players of all-time are currently active is a bogus stat and needs to be discontinued!  Some stat geek needs to come up with a better way.


WR Rankings

Our boy Gosselin posted this today.  I found it interesting and I'm sure J will be thrilled to see any ranking with Rice discounted.  It's nice to see the old-timers well represented.

John Turney is a member of the Professional Football Research Association (PFRA), so he specializes in crunching numbers. He’s devised a system that ranks pass catchers based on four categories: catches per game, yards per game, yards per catch and touchdown percentage. His twist is that all four of the categories are weighted equally.

Turney recently ranked the top 283 receivers of all time and, based on his computations, the most productive pass catcher was Hall of Famer Don Hutson of the Green Bay Packers. He averaged 4.21 receptions per game, 68.8 yards per game, 16.4 yards per catch and scored a touchdown on a staggering 20.5 percent of his catches (100 in 488).

The two wide receivers on my personal all-time team -- Lance Alworth and Paul Warfield -- rank second and 10 all-time on Turney’s list. Here’s his rating scale for the Top 20:

Rank, Receiver Catches Yards TDs Rating
1. Don Hutson 488 7,981 100 .842
2. Lance Alworth 542 10,267 85 .828
3. Randy Moss 954 14,858 153 .816
4. Art Powell 479 8,046 81 .800
5. Marvin Harrison 1,102 14,580 128 .791
6. Terrell Owens 1,078 15,934 153 .7904
7. Jerry Rice 1,545 22,895 197 .7901
8. Mike Quick 363 6,464 61 .775
9. Larry Fitzgerald 613 8,204 65 .773
10. Paul Warfield 427 8,565 85 .772
11. Bob Hayes 371 7,414 71 .771
12. Charlie Hennigan 410 6,823 51 .764
13. Andre Johnson 673 9,164 50 .757
14. Sterling Sharpe 595 8,134 65 .754
15. Torry Holt 920 13,382 74 .746
16. Don Maynard 633 11,834 88 .742
17. Marques Colston 369 5,097 40 .741
18. Anquan Boldin 650 8,357 51 .739
19. Michael Irvin 750 11,904 65 .737
20. Tommy McDonald 495 8,410 84 .725

(Hall of Famers in bold)

Powell (Raiders) and Hennigan (Oilers) played their careers in the AFL in the 1960s. Owens, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Colston and Boldin are all still active.

The three receivers who were finalists for the Hall of Fame last February but failed to garner enough support for induction were Carter, Tim Brown and Andre Reed. Carter ranks 44 on Turney’s list, Brown 85 and Reed 95.

Others of note include Hall of Famers Steve Largent (21st), Elroy Hirsch (25), Raymond Berry (51), James Lofton (53), Tom Fears (55), Charley Taylor (64), Bobby Mitchell (66), Lynn Swann (68), John Stallworth (83), Fred Biletnikoff (101), Art Monk (110), Lenny Moore (121) and Charlie Joiner (128).

Past and present Cowboys include Anthony Miller (59th), Keyshawn Johnson (62), Terry Glenn (63), Tony Hill (67), Joey Galloway (78), Roy Williams (91), Drew Pearson (118) and Raghib Ismail (184).

As a footnote, in Turney’s ratings the receivers are ranked 1 through 283 in all four categories. Boldin has the highest average of catches per game at 5.86, so all other receivers fall in under him. He gets the 100 points for being No. 1, Andre Johnson gets 99 points for ranking No. 2 with 5.85 receptions per game and so on down the line. Add a receiver’s ranking in each category and then divide by four for the receiver’s rating on Turney’s scale.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beach Football Game

Baseball season really is a slow time for the national media as they wonder if the lockout rules are being broken with a fun past time. This beach football game in Florida with Romo, Witten, Payton and Aikman is getting too much press.

You know I do love Sean Payton and here is his recent quote.

"It got so competitive to where the whole beach was watching," Payton told on Saturday. "A highlight for me was my son Connor caught a touchdown pass from Romo."
"I played a little safety, a little wide receiver," Payton said, "and Romo was struggling at quarterback, so I went in and threw him a touchdown pass. Aikman led his team on a two-minute drive that ended up tying the game. After about a half an hour, the adults were ready to quit and the kids were screaming for more. But it was fun."


Cowboys Ring of Honor

If I counted correctly there are currently 15 players in the Ring of Honor.
I saw an atricle suggesting 10 more people up for the the ring.  I was less than impressed with some of the options.
1. Drew Pearson- Travesty that he isn't in.
2. Larry Allen- First Ballot HOF.
3. Darren Woodson- Immediately.
4. Harvey Martin- Yes, we forget how dominate he really was coming off the edge.
5.  Cornell Green- This is the turning point.  I can conceed to Mr. Green. 13 years as a DB.
6. Everson Walls- Not if I have a vote.  Toast
7. Too Tall- 3rd best lineman on the team.
8.  Charlie Waters- 41 interceptions, but not Ring of Honor material.
9. Nate Newton- Never, I would not put him in the league with Tuinei, Eric Williams nor Stepnoski
10 Bill Bates-  No.
