Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Crash and Burn

Hard to gather my thoughts after the massive disappointment of Sunday night.  True that we all figured Dallas was an 8-8 team anyway.  True that half the defense was a bunch of castoffs and spare parts.  But what I can't get past is that all we needed to make the playoffs after this wheels off season was a good game by our franchise QB, and he could not deliver.

You know how much I value Tony Romo, but at the age of 33 I can no longer give him a pass in big games. Stats can be spun to be what you want sometimes, but Romo's 1-6 record in "win or go home" games and the numbers he's put up in those games just can't be ignored.  He has 11 turnovers in those 7 games and averages 220 yards.  We pay Romo like the franchise and we should expect him to come up with points when given the ball down 3 with almost 4 minutes to work with.  Not, a casual, indifferent lob pass to the flat that ends the season.

I have a hard time defining what happens to certain players in all sports in certain situations.  If you line up Romo and Eli Manning's regular season stats, you would ask "why is there a question, Romo is obviously better".  Yet Eli comes through in big games and Romo cannot.  As if we need more issues on this team, having a QB who melts in big games is the nail in the coffin.  He is cursed, or mentally fragile, or a loose cannon, or a little of all.  But I can tell you that I'm very tired of pulling for a guy who disappoints this often.  The black cloud over this once great franchise just shows no signs of clearing.


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