Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Vacation From Sports Is Over.

I have missed commenting on my correct Super Bowl prediction.
Dirk being more important than Lebron and Texas turning in a nation title contender.
How about Saint Sean moving his family to Dallas.

1.  Packers- What a great coach in Green Bay.  They should never have won with that many injuries, what a great statment for the Pennsylvania native.  

2. Dirk has a plus 12point difference with his team when his is in the game.  Lebron is second in the league at plus 10.  Rose was around 3pts.  
MVP?   Its funny, but if you throw in what has happened to Cleveland without King James it is hard not to give him the MVP.

3. Texas Longhorns Basketball- Undefeated in conference and picking up speed.  Since the OT loss to UConn they have seemed to lose all fear of failure.  They attack from the opening tip and it is fun to watch. 

4.  Sean Payton finally has moved his familty back to the DFW area.  It had to hurt a few feelings in New Orleans.  Covington-Mandeville where he lived is the pride and joy of the area for raising a family around the area.  It really is a nice place.
Now, when Garrett goes 8-8 next year the rumors will go to a feverish pich.



Jonathan said...

Welcome back- glsad to see you have not lost the love of DFW.

No comments on the mess ups at the superbowl? The seating issue is really ridiculous- plenty of time to get it done and they could not. Not too menton the seats stunk. It seems the Big Easy will remain the preferred choice of the press when it comes to this event. They can do large events better than anywhere else. Makes sense- they do it 3 times a year every year.

1. Packers- Happy they won. I did not want Ben to get another ring and a lot of old Saints players and coaches on that staff- including McCarthy. It shows how bad of a head coach Haslett was

2. Dirk- great talent but not MVP. I like the mavs but they are just the NBA version of the Eagles in football- great in the regular season

3. horns- have not kept up- it is football season

4. Sean- It surprised me, but other coaches do this as well. I am not worried for the next couple of years about it. JJ will give red a minimum of that long

Sport Thought said...

Super Bowl Mess is coming.