Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cowboys Ring of Honor

If I counted correctly there are currently 15 players in the Ring of Honor.
I saw an atricle suggesting 10 more people up for the the ring.  I was less than impressed with some of the options.
1. Drew Pearson- Travesty that he isn't in.
2. Larry Allen- First Ballot HOF.
3. Darren Woodson- Immediately.
4. Harvey Martin- Yes, we forget how dominate he really was coming off the edge.
5.  Cornell Green- This is the turning point.  I can conceed to Mr. Green. 13 years as a DB.
6. Everson Walls- Not if I have a vote.  Toast
7. Too Tall- 3rd best lineman on the team.
8.  Charlie Waters- 41 interceptions, but not Ring of Honor material.
9. Nate Newton- Never, I would not put him in the league with Tuinei, Eric Williams nor Stepnoski
10 Bill Bates-  No.



Jonathan said...

I agree w/ the top 4. #s 1 and 4 especially.9- none of them should be.

Sport Thought said...

I also agree with 1 through 4 as slam dunks for the RofH. It's ironic that none of the 5 O-linemen from the Johnson super bowl teams will make it, but it was one of the greatest O-lines in history.