Monday, July 12, 2010

Don Coryell

This is the subject that I wished I had not missed talking about.

Don Coryell should be in the HOF, and that we did not discuss his death is just inexcusable.

His impact on the NFL is just amazing. He formulated many of the schemes used today.
He created the I-Back formation as a high school coach. The H-Back is also part of his legacy.

He would rank in my top 4 of great offensive minds with an impact on the NFL. The recent SI article is just great. I remember his Cardinal offenses and the havoc he created. Then when he went to San Diego he went to an all new level, the Patriots used his style in their record setting year.

His coaching tree, Joe Gibb, Bill Walsh, Tom Flores, John Madden, Norv Turner, and Red Jesus.

Ranking O Coordinators is difficult, but to consider Coryell with Brown, Landry, Walsh, and Gibbs is reasonable. Especially since two learned from him.

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