Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jonathan had some comments.

Warriors- 450 Million for them! Imagine what the Lakers are worth
Mavs- I like the fact they got several bigs- Chandler (if healthy) will team
very well with Kidd. Haywood is costly but at least he was productive last
year for them. I would have signed him.
Hornets- killed potential- 3 years ago was a high and they could not keep it
up. Maybe the new coach can bring new life.
Miami- Major coup to get the top 3 free agents. Especially James. I was
surprised but can not blame him either. The team he is getting looks great
Jazz- I like there moves- they lost Boozer but picked up a bigger and
younger PF. The secondary move of getting Raja Bell was also good. I view
them like the Mavs- 2nd tier solid teams in the West.
Chicago- I think they can compete in the East, depending on the coach- he is
defensive in nature- does it translate into hampering Rose?

Getting ready for training camp. Looking forward to it.
Initial thoughts top 2 in each division
Vikes- are they good enough to beat the Pack twice this year- probably not.
Pack- Have the talent to be very good
*South *
Saints- They go as far as Brees takes them- if he stays healthy, they will
be in the playoffs. Can Payton tone down the team in camp? They thrived last
year from having a chip.
Falcons- could be a sleeper
Boys- How long does talent overcome coaching deficiencies. Has Garrett
developed/improved game time decision making in the offseason?
Eagles- by default they have a load of talent. I know people love fat Andy,
but every year he messes up a game by getting too enamored with the pass
*Skins will be better, but they have a long way to go and some old people on
the team
*Giants- no real feel on them at this time. I see them continuing to slip
Cards only because of the coach
Niners could be there at the end as well

Ravens- I think the defense will hold up another year.
Bengals- by default I would not pick the Steelers to be down 2 years in a
row but the QB issues may cause it.
*South *
Colts- similar results to the last 10 years, but maybe a slip- New OC for
the 1st time in Manning's career- does the new one try to "improve"
Miami- bold prediction but 3 years into the Parcells/Sparano this might be
Jets- I do not buy them as a SB team but playoffs yes
Pats- heading south? I think they are-- can not run, can not play defense
SD- by default and in the weakest division
No comment on the others


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