Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sapp-Shockey and the Saints

I always find it funny when Warren Sapp tries to be anything but a joke.
Today he attacks Shockey for being a for the NFL.
 Sapp called him a Snitch.
 “My source that was close to the situation informed me that Jeremy Shockey is the one that was the snitch initially. I trust my source unequivocally.”
The NFL should Fire Sapp immediately for using the word Snitch.

 If  Peyton Manning or Bret Farve would have been crippled or killed while these players were being paid to INJURE players, not hit,,,INJURE.    Would any players consider it a SNITCH, when the person that talked may have saved a players life.

I am sure Saints fans are glad other teams played fair and didn't pay to injure Brees, Brees is a itty bitty QB and could have been lost for a long time. 

Besides the Saints probably were out of pain pills with that coaching staff sneaking handfuls.

--------I like Shockey's response: ( It may be BS, but I like it when former thug Cane players fight each other. )

“It’s reckless, it’s careless, it’s hurtful to me and the great time I had with the Saints,” said Shockey, who was accused by Sapp of being the “snitch” in this story. “Sean Payton is a father figure to me. I would never do that to him or to the Saints.” “I loved my time in New Orleans and now people are killing me on social media thinking I did this. I love Who Dat nation.”

“Sapp can say what he wants about me, but if he really says that he’ll put his life on the line for his source, we’ll see. I’ve never been a guy who failed multiple drug tests. I’ve never been divorced. I don’t have four kids by four different women. I don’t lie. This attacks my character and it’s not fair.”

Ha.  I wonder who Shockey was talking about with the Drug Test and Kids...



Jonathan said...

Overall a non issue, The NFL network has a weak group of commentators and Sapp is only one of them.

I will side with Shockey.

Sport Thought said...

I detest Sapp, which is unfortunate because I enjoyed watching him play.