Tuesday, March 30, 2010


My disdain for women's basketball is well known. All you need to see is that Xavier player blow 2 wide open layups at the end of the Stanford game last night. However, I love phenoms in any sport, and Brittney Griner qualifies. 35 blocks in 4 games? Seriously? She moves well, can shoot, and is cocky (too much so many would say). Think what would happen if a 7 and a half foot guy showed up with the skills of a small forward and the mentality to block everything that he sees. I really miss the heyday of the center phenoms, when every other year there seemed to be a Ewing, a Sampson, a Robinson come along to dominate. But, Griner is a quantum leap for the women's game and it will be kind of cool to watch her over the next couple of years.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

SI has a short article on the influx of position players.

1. wingmen, James, Anthony, Wade.
2. Now PG's, Rose, Evans, Paul, Williams.

When I read it, I thought about when the big guys would come back, just like you mentioned.