Sunday, March 21, 2010

These Upsets and Team Ball make me Reminisce

I believe that the majority of America would embrace a more disciplined game where the true specialization of Basketball would once again rein supreme. A return the 70's and early 80's style would be a treat.

Did you know that the Boston Celtics average 113pt per game in 1980 and 110 in 1981 while winning a championship. The Nuggets scored 100 pts are more for 136 games in 81 and 82.

Pragmatically, I know that the quickness in the AAU style players will win games with the current style of officiating. They allow too much hand checking, pushing off and touching people on both end of the court.

Can you imagine a game where the shooter would rival the athletic steal machines and with the ability to make high flying layups? Immediately the scoring would go up and the coaching of schemes and screens would be more important than the number of touches or shots a kid would get.

I really do not know who to blame, but I will start with Pat Riley, Chuck Daly, John Thompson or David Stern. These coaches could not win with a set offense and bragged about the fact that their teams would do the rough things to win a game. An example, how could a team with Kareem, Magic, and Worthy have to rely on Cooper and the thugs to hand check and foul off the ball to win? It is actually a simple answer, the could not shot well enough, the exception was Kareem, to score without the push off. Georgetown is the first team that I remember that bumped and fouled so many times, that the refs stopped calling fouls.

Too me, it is Stern and Dave Gavitt, they sold these teams as special without regard for the history or rules.

My favorite game is an aberration.


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