Thursday, December 1, 2011

Syracuse and Boeheim.

Unlike Jo Pa for the last 40 years, I never had a feeling that Boeheim was a mean-spirited ego maniac.
Yes, Boeheim has been a jerk in media sessions, but his laugh and the way he worded things never seemed contrived to me.  Besides I never heard of Boeheim fighting in recruits houses or threatening to beat up a woman after a traffic incident.

Even at this very moment, I really don't think Boeheim knew what was going on with this sick bastard.

His comments after the reports and the way he attacked the accusers was just child like ignorance.
It is almost unforgivable that he publicly attacked the people without knowing or investigating the stories.
A slap of reality is flowing through his recent comments, now that a recording was made public confirming part of the stories.

Protecting "your own" in sports has to stop!

30 years he was with this man and he never knew anything?  Especially considering the close knit  coaching fraternity is hard for me to believe, unless Coach Boeheim just hides from problems.  
I know that his initial comments suggest that his personality is that he would protect first and investigate second.
If it comes out that other coaches joked about Fain being a sexual deviant, Boehiem better get fired within the hour.
Even if he didn't know, I would have a hard time not firing him for his initial comments.

This is not as bad as the Penn State story since we know they ignored the child abuse on a grand scheme, but it is repulsive on a biblical scale.

They will ruin sports for me eventually.  
How can they hurt kids?  

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