Saturday, March 13, 2010

Peabody wins 61-58.

This is a sad day in Bossier.

After being down by double digits in the first half.
Bossier came back and gave Peabody, 41-0 a run for the money.
Two of the Bossier starters fouled out, including the super soph Frances.

Peabody was up 1 with 42 seconds and Frances stole it and then missed a shot to take the lead.
He then fouled out going for the ball. Peabody made two free throws and West missed a 3 pointer to tie it at the end.
All American Brown was too much for Bossier, Okie State will enjoy the athletic ability.

That hurt.

Christian Life won the 1a game over Country Day.

I stand by my previous statement: the best 5 teams in the state.
Christian Life
Country Day

Brother Martin won 5a.



Sport Thought said...

I looked on a couple of national ranking sites. Peabody just made it into the maxprep poll at #24. Both sites I looked at mentioned that they don't play a national schedule and had no games against top opponents to measure against. How do you think they'd fare against Yates or one of the eastern prep schools?


Sport Thought said...

They could not handle the Texas teams. Talent wise they may equal many of the top teams, but the day to day high level experience these teams have will separate the teams.

The truth is that the TX teams have too much coaching and depth.
