Friday, March 5, 2010

A punch in Lady's BBall only gets 2 games?

How does the superstar 6'8 frosh girl at Baylor gets 2 games for a punching a girl in the face during a conference game?

Two quick points beyond the obvious fact that she needs "weeks or months" of suspension.

1. She is a freakish talent and has constantly stared down players and showed up people during the year. A thug has really appeared in female sports; she will literally flex's like a weight-lifter during games which is a bit masculine for most female sports.

2. With Baylor's recent past of criminal violence in Basketball, how can this be tolerated?

It definitely sours my opinion of the college entrance information that Baylor is sending to my mailbox.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

This was a shock to me also; I can't figure it. Certainly looked malicious.