Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pacifist 10

I understand why they want to expand in the Pac 10. They lack national
coverage and have only 1 marketable team.

They games are played too late in the day, but the bigger problem is that
conference plays in an area that is not a football fanatical area.

USC has been lucky like Ohio St, and Michigan in that they have played in
a conference that teams don’t have the depth of tradition to push the
athletes to the other conference schools. Basically, USC gets all of the
players they want because the other schools can only promise a Holiday Bowl
and weekly games with sub par stadiums and crowds.

Texas will push the TV numbers up at first with the unknown, but eventually
if will return to the fact the nation doesn’t care about watching anyone at
10p and only USC, Oklahoma and Texas otherwise.


If the SEC gets into the Texas market, this will be a move that Texas
regrets much more that people realize.

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