Thursday, November 18, 2010


Greg Oden to have microfracture surgery, out for the year.  How can one team draft 3 "franchise" centers and see them all fall victim to chronic injuries?  First Walton, then Bowie, now Oden.  Not to mention they passed on Michael Jordan and Kevin Durant.  Totally cursed.  Unbelievable.



I am so glad you mentioned this.  I was driving this week thinking about the incredible situations that Portland has been through with injuries. (Absolutely the worse luck in sports!) 

Walton, Bowie and Oden all had a histories of injuries prior to the NBA, but how do you pass on Walton and Oden, especially Walton?    Bowie I could understand a pass with Jordan out there, but they did have his closest clone in Drexler.  I did love Bowie at Kentucky, he could shoot better than any 7 footer we had ever seen.


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