Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Salesman

Like most people I have watched this wreck with fascination because it's just so unusual and so big. But, today I'm just mad. At the root of this is the 3 super bowls. Because the 3 wins in 4 years were so historic, so awesome for fans, it's been impossible to see clearly when it comes to this franchise. For the past 15 years Jerry has used his considerable sales skills to hide the incompetance at the core of the organization.

He sold us on parting ways with Jimmy, he sold us on the star power while the roster was really poor, he sold us on Barry, on Chan, on Dave, on the disastrous drafts and personnel decisions. He spins, he dances, he keeps smiling and telling us things are great in Dallas. All the while he has driven the football operations into the ground, while watching his net worth skyrocket. Truly, one of the great salesmen of all time.

For 15 years he has run a football team and produced 1 playoff win. He is the worst GM in the league and there is no end in sight. He will never recognize his own shortcomings. We are stuck with him until literally death (his or ours). No amount of columns and talk shows will jolt him out of his fantasy that he can run a football operation. No one could have possibly seen it when he bought the team and during those super bowl years, but his arrival was actually the death blow to one of the great franchises in sports.



Jonathan said...

As someone who parted ways with the boys when Jerry came aboard, I never wore the rose colored glasses. You are correct in your assessment. However, if JJ ever places his ego to the side (big if) He could learn a lot from the Lions Owner- Bill Ford. Not for how he ran hios NFL team but for how he ran the big business- Ford Motors. He fired himself about 5 ago as CEO and hired Allan Mullaly-Since then Ford has become the model for the auto industry.

If he can not accept firing himself he should at least bring in a football mind to assist with the daily operations- Bruce Allen type that does not have to have control but can be effective in talent procurement.

He should also look at when the team is successful-- it is when he has a coach and not a puppet. Jimmy and Tuna were coaches. The others were puppets.

As an outsider I think JJ will not fire himself or hire someone to help with the GM function but will make a play for a coach- On the low end I think Brian Billick and John Fox. On the high end Gruden or Cower. If it was me Gruden would be the first call.

Sport Thought said...

I agree with both of your comments.

I really don't expect the Cowboys to win anything, until Jerry is retired or displaced.