Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Weekend in College Basketball

S, you were right the world is upside down.

Texas is pathetic. Kansas State was up 39-0 in the 4th.
Oklahoma losing at Texas A&M is inexcusable.
Bama is not blocking well.
Florida is whining.
Michigan gives up 65 points and wins.

On the bright side, I recorded the TCU game and tried to figure out that Defense.
It is amazing to watch them get pressure with 4 people running stunts on most plays.
They are better than Boise St.

Stanford is not getting enough love.
I would put them ahead of Nebraska and even with LSU. They lose to Oregon and dropped like a rock.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

I agree about Stanford, I like them. Wisconsin I also feel isn't getting enough love. There are a lot of overrated big programs; think about FL with 3 losses, TX with 5, Notre Dame with 5?, USC with no defense, OK 2 losses and no defense, Michigan can't stop anyone, where are all the power programs?