Monday, May 2, 2011


Anytime I start analyzing a Cowboys' draft, I want to wait a few days to let the excitement wear off. 
So here are my thoughts.
I do not think need should be considered when rating a draft, with the exceptional of two players rated the same.

1.  Smith-Possible stalwart for the next decade in Dallas.   But....
For some reason, I just cannot get too excited when I watch the film.  He played right tackle at USC and wasn't as dominate as I expected.  Yes, as Red Jesus says, Smith finishes all of his plays and never quits, but he was weaker than most dominant college players.  I view his rankings as similar to the college scouting for 5 stars players.  He is 20, has long arms, quickness and should continue to add weight and hopefully become dominant.
Do I think he was the 7th best NON-QB in the draft.  NO,  I hope the scouts are correct on his potential.  That said I would have drafted him if I couldn't get Peterson strictly out of need.

2.  Carter- S, as you know I am obsessed with explosive quickness, not necessarily straight line speed, but quickness.   Carter had it in abundance prior to his knee injury.  When you watch film of the the other two high picks from Carolina, it is Carter who jumps off the screen with his closing speed.  He is lightning when an opening occurs.   I like the pick. This guy with Sean Lee will turn the Cowboys blitz packages into a delayed explosion and better yet, those 8 yards gains that Bradie James and Brooking cannot get to, will be stopped 3 yards and a punt.

3.  Murray- He is a better back than Choice and was much more productive that Jones was in college.  (Marion Who?)
When he was on the field at Norman they were a much better team, even a title contender..  BUT.  Jones cannot stay healthy and Murray appears to be more of the same.  Great pick if  he and Jones can alternate getting hurt.   Romo will love him if he plays or practices enough to get on the field.

4-7, I have no idea.   History says the free agent signings will be more productive.  I do like getting a player of the year from any conference, so maybe WR Harris will make the team and do more than just block on kickoffs.

So excuse my lack of excitement, considering the recent draft blunders in Dallas. 
Last year with Dez Bryant and Lee looks promising.  I hope that Red Jesus had some impact on the later rounds to stop the horrible drafting in Dallas.  He said they did not draft for need and choose the best player available, like his father scout would have suggested.


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