Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I sat and watched in amazement as the Thunder fell apart last night.
We can call it inexperience and part of the climb to the top, but they had no offensive sets when crunch time came.
I remember when the Piston's and Lakers couldn't close games under pressure and they won multiple titles.

Who knows, maybe it will happen for the Thunder, but the Brooks-Westbrook thing is worrisome.

But, I was jumping high for the Mavs.

Tonight I am watching the CAVs, oops I mean the Heat, and wondered if Wade was trying to blow this game for his own ego.  Luckily he finally started playing in OT.  
Watching James on the court with Rose, makes you appreciate what Lebron really is.
He is simply the best player in the world by a large margin.
  I find it interesting that Rose cannot get by James with a dribble.
 Lebron's defense was never something that I noticed, maybe it was because he is rarely isolated on the MVP.
He practically stopped the entire Bulls offense by himself at the end of regulation.

It will truly hurt if the Mavs lose to the heat in the finals.

1 comment:

BL said...

all started with harden fouling out, poor mans joe dumars