Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Age Limit Artile on NBA and One and Done.

I have commented previously on my opinions that the "one and done" is an non-issue to what is happening in College Basketball.  Blame AAU crazy schedule, coaches and schemes as the primary target for the lack of development in skills and players willing to be coached.  Me First Has Taken Over!
Harrison at UNC is a perfect example of a top 5 draft pick that would never had found out his weaknesses without being considered a failure.  One and Done allowed him the option to stay.

Here is an interesting article.
Part of Story
Frankly, we don't know. What we do know is that a rule made for one business-oriented reason has not performed its designed business-oriented function. NBA teams still make massive draft mistakes. In the meantime, each year a handful of NBA-ready 18-year-olds are forced to wait before they can begin earning money for their immense talent. Each year college basketball reaps the rewards and deals with the fallout
Part of the connecting story..
In the meantime, it's completely unfair to subject 18-year-olds to a year or two in the most corrupt organization this side of international soccer -- the NCAA -- to work for free while suits rack up billions of dollars off of their "shining moments." Until the D-League is a viable solution -- that means wages a bit better than $20,000, and long travel that doesn't involve vans -- the age minimum is a total scam, a scam that doesn't even work.
What's the point?


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