Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Those Dang Dragons

I don't know how they do it in Southlake.  Season after season the Southlake Dragons contend in virtually every sport.  No year goes by without them winning state championships.  This spring it was boy's soccer and hockey just to name 2 that I'm aware of.  The soccer team finished ranked numero uno in the nation and the hockey team finished 2nd at nationals.  Geez.  Today I'm happily reading SI and there in the "Faces in the Crowd" is one Mac McGuire (spoiled brat I'm sure).  He only led the soccer team in goals with 37, was all-state kicker for the football team, and ran the anchor leg for the state-winning 4x400 relay team.  He will be playing soccer at Boston U.  Shoot me.


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