Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Lebron Debate

I can't remember what I've posted about this in the past, but with the Heat in the finals and the Lebron debate raging again, I thought I would weigh in again.  It is so irritating to me that people think they have the right to define what is success for another person and hold them to that standard.  I think it has something to do with the whole idea of hero worship and how we put our favorite athletes on a pedestal.  We want them to live up to this idea that we've created in our own imagination.  For Lebron people are outraged that he didn't remain to suffer in Cleveland and eventually lead them to an unprobable championship.  It may have eventually happened but it likely wouldn't have.  I think Lebron is unselfish enough and secure enough in his greatness that he didn't mind pursuing a championship with another great player alongside.  I can't get in his head and know how he feels about "legacy", but I think he made the obvious choice: play in tropical south Florida with a friend and great player under a legendary GM where they could likely win multiple championships.  No brainer.  If you're the best, you're the best and it's obvious who is the best.