Monday, June 20, 2011

Europeans Domination

Some things in the world of sports make little since.

The European domination that is currently happening is one of these situations.

Can someone give me a logical reasoning?
Possible reasons?
1. I have long blamed the teaching methods in America, mechanical thoughts inhibit people in golf more than other sports.
2. Do the best athletes in America focus on other sports have an impact?
 I do not think this is the issues, but I wanted to list it for our conversation.
3.  Spoiled Americans?  Can a kid that is told how great he is 350 days a year, survive when he finds out his is one in 1000.
4.  Can the fear of failure be the driving force?   Do we teach win at all cost to often?
 Is it the way we have kids competing from a young age.  They find out that they will fail too often/
5.   Did Tennis die with the specialized Academies?  Golf has basically accepted this style of influence full force. 
6 .  Can a teaching pro, really teach a kid a swing if he doesn't see him weekly.  It seems to me that watch the failures during tournaments is the only true way to recognize when the issues arise.
Do the Euro coaches have more personal involvement and thus less tweaking of the swings.
So many kids drive over a hundred miles to go to a well known coach...Why?  Golf is basically the same fundamentals for everyone.

I need to research this, I have a feeling that the Euro's coaches are seeing the prized pupils more often, while the kids are staying in their home region to grow up with families.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Hmmm, this makes me think of Lebron. Are we producing athletes that are so full of themselves that they never learn any mental toughness and cave when faced with some adversity and some doubt? In any event, the next Ryder Cup is shaping up to be ugly.