Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wonderlic Wonders

Reports are showing that the supposedly academically superior Ohio State produced a starting QB that scored a 7 on the wonderlic test. A few years back, famous Longhorn academic Vince Young supposedly made a 6, then they said it was actually a 16.   I guess it doesn't matter, but it does make you wonder about these schools that promote themselves as being better academically than the Southern schools.

A 7!  Really.  I am not so sure the scouts should be worried about his throwing motion as much as his ability to understand the playbook.
 I know this kid is smarter than he is showing, but he must have NO care or worries about attempting to put forth an effort to show the NFL that he could be a player.

Greg McIlroy supposedly scored a 48, its too bad he wasn't 6 foot 6 and could run a 4.4 40.
I found his score curious on the day after I heard his communication ability on the radio.

Average Score for draft prospect 19.   I wonder what the average college graduate would score?
My money says much higher.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greg McIlroy's next career.

I heard the Southlake Grad via Bama on the radio today with Paul Finebaum.
This guy is a great speaker, smooth and entertaining beyond his years.

I was shocked how good he was with call in guest and the host, it was, really amazing.  
He also touched on his life so far, 10 years in California, 8 years in Dallas, 5 in Bama and now NYC.

He said Nick Saban's camp and coaching is exactly like the NFL.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Hamstring Issues Killing Rangers

Nellie Cruz back to the bench for 3 weeks with another hamstring injury.  Beltre has been out for around 6 weeks with the same.  Cruz cannot make it more than a couple of months at a time on his bad wheels.  Hamilton is not hitting for power so we need those 2 healthy.  Someone could get really rich if they could figure out how to help these guys with chronic bad hamstrings.


Hamilton Comments

Some disturbing comments from Bobby Valentine during the national telecast of the Rangers last night.  He said Josh is having major mechanical issues and hasn't been able to pull a fastball in weeks.  There was some good super slo-mo video showing him not getting his hands through; leaving him unable to get the barrel out in front of a good fastball.  It's amazing to me that he's kind of lost at the plate but still hitting right at .300.  Who was it who said he would miss Hurdle?


Gary Crowton Finally Speaks.

Chad told me about this article in the Baltimore Sun and it explains many things.  Maybe it is one sided, but considering Crowton's past it makes a lot of since.


In a 50-minute interview, Crowton said bluntly that "No, it wasn't my offense" at LSU and that it would be unfair to make assessments based soley on those four years.

"Were there parts of that offense that were mine? Yeah. The philosophy that Coach Miles had was to be good on defense, be good on special teams and win it in the fourth quarter," Crowton said. "We won a lot of games in the fourth quarter. We beat Auburn twice in the fourth quarter. What it did is it shortened the game. We didn't have a lot of offensive plays. When you look statistically, it wasn't great, but that wasn't our goal. Our goal was to win games. We won 40 in four years.",0,1614224.story

Les Miles comment-  Yes his right, it's LSU offense.

Maybe someone should show Miles the definition of " Square Peg-Round Hole."
This may have cost LSU a NC.   
Now, I am being reminded why I think Miles is Buffoon at times.

Follow up to S post on the Defensive Confusion.

I was so glad you posted on the comments coming out of Dallas about the complexity of the Dallas Defense.
First we get Brooking quoted as saying he learned more in 2 weeks than ever before.
Then comments about his "A lot of work to be done."

Ware making public comments is great, but I don't agree with Ware.
"I'm kind of overwhelmed" is perfect. 
During the game Saturday night I saw him on the sideline visibly upset and voicing displeasure.
I had not read your comment at that time and found it to be completely a new thing.

What a great sign that players in Dallas are on edge.   If other teams can learn the system, Dallas can learn the system.
They have been pampered a bit too long.   Big Bill was a proponent of simple execution wins and then so was Coach Wade.

It is about time, tough love came back to Dallas.   Landry had North Dallas 40 documenting his toughness, then everyone can see the videos of Jimmy Johnson cutting people that upset him. 

Maybe Dallas will be respectable sooner that I expected.



After our conversation on Sunday, I am more impressed with Red Jesus and his entire revamping of the Cowboys.
To me, Gurode is the stereotypical description of the problems we have seen with the Cowboys during the last decade.

Slow, always overweight and accepting of errors. 

Next year, i suppose that we will see it on the Defensive side.
Especially the LB and DB areas.   It seems we may see part of the change with the DLINE this year.

I approve, I never expected much above a 8-8 record anyway.


The Storm

For your enjoyment.  Ha.  Football pretty big around here.


Comment.  It amazes me how Allen has literally taken over DFW Football.

With that I found the band video and they take up the entire field.
When you told me how big it was, I need video to understand.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Allen-Cedar Hill

Eagles in the spread vs. Cedar Hill. SMU Stadium 8/27/11.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Saturday, August 27, 2011

'Boys D

The vibe coming out of the Cowboys' leadership is that tonight is a big game for the defense.  There have been a lot of disturbing comments from the players about the complexity of Ryan's defense.  Brooking: "There is a lot of work to be done".  Ware: "I'm kind of overwhelmed".  I'm starting to worry that the defense will still be in learning mode when the season begins, and we can't afford it.


Aggies & Horns

Since moving here I've always gotten entertainment from the dynamics of the Aggies/Longhorns rivalry.  I've had many more friends who are Aggies than Horns and I've enjoyed pricking them about how the Horns just don't care about them.  That makes them madder than anything.

Watching this drama unfold around the Aggies quest to flee to the SEC has reminded me of just how deep these feelings run on the A&M side.  After all, there is nothing worse than hating someone who doesn't even hate you back.  The Ags spend so much energy hating the Horns, but the Horns just go along ignoring them and spending their energy on OU.

Great rivalries require that both schools know deep down that they are hating someone equal to them.  Or at least they are on the same level.  LSU doesn't hate LaTech and OU doesn't hate Tulsa.  Unfortunately for the Aggies, Texas looks at them like nothing more than Texas St.  They are embarrassed if they lose to A&M, but that's all.

That's what makes A&M hate Texas more than anything:  the Horns don't respect them as equals.  So, this SEC flirtation is ultimately viewed by the Aggie faithful as a way to ultimately trump their nemesis.  If they were to move to the better conference and rise to that level of play, then they would get their ultimate revenge on Texas by achieving a respect level that they can never get now.

That may not be the reason that the A&M powers publicly state is their reason for leaving, but deep down that's where this is rooted.  The Aggies want respect and they feel the SEC will bring it to them.


Lawyers are the Dregs of Humanity

I saw the quote from Jordan Jefferson's lawyer: "this whole thing has gotten much bigger than it really is.  Lets not forget that what Jefferson did is the same type of things that thousands of kids do on a daily basis".  Really?  I feel much better now.  Let's get them back on the field.  Lawyers are really the dregs.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two TV Programs

As you know, I am not of a fan of David Feherty when his slap stick comedy is on display during a Golf telecast.

But, I would suggest that you watch his TV show on the Golf Channel.

 "Feherty" that has Darren Clarke as the subject is so compelling.
Living in America we hear stories about the rough life of many athletes in America, drugs, drive by shooting and gangs.
Darren Clarke's stories are just crazy.   His humor and the obvious closeness of these guys is great.
Clarke and Feherty discuss terrorist Bombings and how common it was and what they live with.

Realsports on HBO had a great segment on Tennis this week.
What I never realized was that the Tennis establishment changed the ball and the courts to slow down
the ball years back to counter the rackets that ruined the game with power in the 90's.
The show focused on the difference in training in Europe vs America.


Russell Shepard is Ineligible.

Evidently RS was talking with a teammate over his NCAA investigation.
Tampering with a witness kind of thing, I guess.

Anyway, he maybe back during some part of the season.  It is unknown at this point.


Police Report

I read the initial Police report from the brawl in Baton Rouge.

A quick negative review.
1.  A pickup honked and hollered for a group of people to move out of the roadway. *supposedly the LSU players*
2.  Witnesses  (plural)  say the players yanked the people out of the truck and gang beat them.
3.  A good Samaritan is on the police report as a witness and he was beaten up also.  After he went and pulled a victim out of beating, he put the white male back in the black truck...  Then the man was attacked beaten by the players , and yes he says he thinks it is Johns and Jefferson who attacked him after he probably saved the guys life.
This is the person that was kicked in the face.  Another witness verifies this to be Jefferson.

Injuries to the 3 men in truck have been verified to be 3 fractured vertebrae and one was unconscious after the attack.

One witness said that someone in truck commented he had a gun...NO Gun was seen, as they were trying to leave after being attacked by this mob of trash.

The police took 49 pair of Shoes from Jefferson's apartment for testing.
Yes, I said 49!  

Here is comment from Police Chief:
If warrants are issued, those arrested will likely be booked on second-degree battery and simple battery counts, Stone has said.
Second-degree battery is a felony offense that carries a maximum five-year prison sentence upon conviction. Simple battery is a misdemeanor.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Alabama Scandal

In case you have missed the interviews and the NCAA probe at Bama check out Sports By Brooks.
He is all over this thing about improper contact with banned boosters and autographs at stores for boosters.
There are reportedly pictures that have been deleted on FB, that show Jones, Ingram and Richardson to be in violation of NCAA Bylaws and could be ruled ineligible for last year.

This story is growing so much that Saban even addressed it on ESPN 103.3 interview.


"One Liner"of the year in the great state of Oregon.

During the traffic stop in Oregon when two of the Ducks players were stopped for doing 118 mph in a rental
 without a license.  The Officer, an Oregon State Patrol, found signs of pot in the car and asked the two Oregon players,
 (DB-Cliff Harris and starting QB-Darron Thomas.)

 "Who has the marijuana?"

Harris who was driving says:


The cop actually let them drive home after the players let him "see" there PAC-10 championship rings.


Now Ole Miss QB is suspended for Bar Fight.

Even though this story isn't nearly as bad the LSU story, it is ridiculous.
OLE MISS QB Randall Mackey has been suspended for a Bar Fight, Monday Night.
After what happened in Baton Rouge, how could this happen.

Losing to BYU in the opener is unacceptable for Nutt following his 2010 season.


Cowboys Special Teams.

It was mentioned that the Dallas awful Special Teams coach complained with the NFL change in kick-off from the 35.
What happens the Charges let the chargers start from 35 yard line immediately and almost broke several.

Rank 30th in FG last year.
 Rank 30th in FG in 2009.
Kick Return.
2009- 31st. in Yards.
2010- avg yards.

His claim to fame is top 10 finishes in punt returns.  
Terrible .

Garrett needs to fire this guy.


Mike Napoli

Where in the world did this guy's bat come from?
 I realize that the Angels didn't seem to get the best out of him, but he is clutch.

I love the short swing and am amazed at the power.
Since he missed that 3-4 week span in June-July he has been a different player.
He hit .443 in July and is at .303 in August.

It seems that JD has another compliment coming in his pick up.



Mark Ingram has looked great to me during the exhibition season.

Those little side steps and his incredible balance seem to have translated to the NFL.


Felix Jones.

What a show Felix put on the other night against the Chargers.
It is amazing how much quickness he gained this year, we can lay it on the weight gain.

He is making moves like he made in college.
I hope he stays healthy.


LSU Mess.

I have no idea what is really going on in Baton Rouge, but it is sounding worse as time passes.

Today, I heard one of the people injured has 3fx in neck.
Sounds like a drop kick move out sheer violence. 

If the QB is responsible, he needs to be gone.   Guilt will proven by a jury, but Miles needs to take care of this quickly.
If a possibility exist JJ is gone.

Another thing, with a Lawyer being present at the interview with the police leads me to think that a deal is already being discussed.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trevor Bauer

I hope you read the SI article about UCLA draftee Travor Bauer.  This is why I subscribe to SI.  Bauer is somewhat small but throws 97 and commands 10 pitches.  He throws every day, long tosses up to 300 feet, and threw at least 130 pitches in each of his last 9 starts at UCLA.  They are of the belief that the baby-ing of pitchers is having the reverse effect and actually causing injuries.  His 'experiment' will be closely watched by GM's around baseball since he required the team that drafted him to allow him to continue his throwing regimen.  I hope he succeeds and starts to reverse this trend toward over-protecting pitchers.


More Ring of Honor

Gosselin wrote a good column where he said that Schramm wanted the ROH to be even more exclusive than the HOF and therefore excluded your franchise's really good players that wouldn't otherwise be recognized.  I think it's a good point.  Gosselin's list of those who need to get in:

Cornell Green
Darren Woodson
Harvey Martin
Ralph Neely


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ring Of Honor

Drew Pearson making it the Ring of Honor is long overdue and really mad me happy when I heard.
His exclusion for 30 years, like Lee Roy Jordan could only have been related to his contract disputes with the great Tex.
Next up.   Hall of Fame where he belonged before Stallworth and Monk.
(I originally listed Howley not Jordan as the one who argued with Tex,  Oops  DM's Dad corrected my mistake.)

Larry Allen -  First Ballot HOF, so how can anyone argue with the one of best guards in NFL history.

Charles Haley- I don't get it!
 5 years as a Cowboy. 2 Pro Bowls and 1 time All Pro.
 Putting a Rent-A-Player in the Ring made my stomach churn.  If you are it should have been
Deion who also played 5 years in Dallas. 4 Pro Bowls and 4 times All Pro.
The fact that Haley went in before Harvey Martin is just sickening to me.

My only thought is Jones must be proud of his first big Free Agent signing and is gloating, or could Haley must be Jerry's love child?


Friday, August 19, 2011

Last Night In Baton Rouge.

Baton Rouge Police spokesman Don Stone said multiple witnesses said Jefferson, 20, was involved as were other football players. Four people were taken to the hospital after the fight by ambulance, Stone said.

"We are aware of the incident that took place at an off-campus location at which some of our players were present," Miles said through LSU's sports information office. "We don’t know to what extent our players were involved. We are trying to gather as much information as possible to get a better understanding of what exactly took place last night.”

So, LSU may finally be rid of Jefferson and it will be the police that finally make Miles bench him.


Hamilton the Hacker

There’s long been this kind of running joke about people never having seen Josh Hamilton hit because he so frequently hacks away at the first pitch before anyone can get settled in. It’s frustrating to me as a fan because I’ve always enjoyed hitters who are patient and can work the count. But Josh is near the bottom in the league in number of pitches seen.

I looked up some numbers on baseball-reference and the ratio is staggering. He is swinging at the first pitch 42% of his plate appearances. The league average is 27%. Most good hitters are below the average, for instance Pujols is at 18% and Joe Mauer is at an unbelievable 5%. It certainly makes me think Josh does not trust himself to get deep in the count, and does not know how to work a count so he gets the pitch he wants. The following numbers bear this out: he is hitting .422 when he swings at the first pitch! But anytime he gets behind in the count, his average plummets to .196!

At 31 I don’t know whether he will learn any patience or learn to hit from behind in the count. It’s clear that he has just unbelievable talent, but doesn’t really know about the art of hitting. I’ve never liked watching hackers hit, but I guess I will just have to accept and appreciate his talents for what they are.


Texas High School Initial AP Polls


Allen (16) 10-2 238 9
Katy (4) 13-1 208 2
Euless Trinity (3) 15-1 184 1
Pearland (1) 16-0 148 --
DeSoto (1) 11-3 118 --
Cibolo Steele 14-2 102
Galena Park North Shore 11-2 78 8
Coppell 13-1 68 5
Round Rock Stony Point 14-1 55 3
Longview 10-5 42 --

Others receiving votes: Southlake Carroll 40, Arlington Martin 23, Converse Judson 13, Denton Guyer 20, Cedar Hill 11, Lufkin 8, Klein Collins 6, Round Rock 3, Dallas Skyline 2, Abilene 1.


Aledo (24) 16-0 249 1
Denton Ryan (1) 15-1 195 2
Lake Travis 14-2 191 9
Cedar Park 13-1 150 4
La Marque 11-4 109 --
Brenham 10-1 106 3
Smithson Valley 10-2 89 --
Dallas Highland Park 12-1 85 5
Tyler 12-2 44 8
Hewitt Midway 12-1 41 7

Others receiving votes: Stephenville 33, Kerrville Tivy 25, CC Calallen 16, Port Lavaca Calhoun 11, Lake Dallas 9, Everman 6, Friendswood 5, Humble 5, Wylie 5, Manvel 1.


Tyler Chapel Hill (6) 13-2 218 10
Henderson (9) 13-2 209 --
Wimberley (7) 14-1 198 3
Argyle (3) 13-1 181 4
Carthage 14-2 147 --
Coldspring-Oakhurst 14-2 97 --
Celina 11-1 78 2
Gilmer 9-4 66 --
West Orange-Stark 8-3 64 --
Snyder 10-3 41 --

Others receiving votes:West Columbia 25, Alvarado 16, Brownwood 9, Lucas Lovejoy 9, Monahans 8, Athens 5, Lindale 2, Kennedale 1, Graham 1.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The U - My Take

Here is the initial article.

What an explosion of accusations, it is ashamed that the NCAA didn't release the probe when it started 5 or 6 months ago for the in-coming Freshman class to make an informed decision on where they would be playing.

Was I surprised, NO.  Does it happen every where?  Yes, but maybe not to this extent.

This quote is hard to get past.
"At a cost that Shapiro estimates in the millions of dollars, he said his benefits to athletes included but were not limited to cash, prostitutes, entertainment in his multimillion-dollar homes and yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs, jewelry, bounties for on-field play (including bounties for injuring opposing players), travel and, on one occasion, an abortion."

Not only did he pay players, he was co-owner of a sports agency that signed Hurricanes.  This too me is even more telling of how well guarded the Miami community is protective of its program.

Miami's history of problems is well documented and I honestly am sick of it. 
I know they will not get the Death Penalty, but if this is 25% true, they should.
Maybe this will lead the NCAA and Universities to change what happens in recruiting and player access.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The U

Where to even start on the Miami scandal?  Of course it had to be coming.  There is always another one coming unless the NCAA and the schools overhaul this corrupt system.  We are trying to squeeze this square peg into a round hole, thinking we can make the system look like it did 100 years ago when athletes were just students who happened to like playing sports.

We are going to have to evolve toward a system where the players have rights and can share in the massive money being generated.  Everyone is getting rich except the players (legally).  The first step could be allowing athletes on scholarship to retain representation to look out for their interests and look for business opportunities.  Another would be to allow them to share in merchandise sales and video sales that include their names and liknesses.

I keep saying that you cannot continue to deny human nature.  We have to move toward an open system where the NCAA and the schools and bowls tone down their greed and agree to share the wealth and allow the players to have basic rights to be represented and market themselves.  Enforcing the current system will just keep creating situations like USC, Ohio St., and Miami.


Striking it Rich

We get used to hearing huge dollar sums thrown around in our culture, and we get numb to it.  Sometimes we need to step back and think about what it would mean.  Yesterday a local high school baseball player, Josh Bell from Dallas Jesuit, signed with the Pirates for a $5mm signing bonus.  Bell was top 10 quality but circulated a letter to all major league teams stating he would be attending UT.  The Pirates spent a 2nd round pick on him and threw top-10 money at him, and it worked.  Can you imagine your child playing ball, getting good, getting better, and then all of a sudden you get a $5 million check?!  It's hard to imagine.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bill King on Some Teams for SEC

First he said these conversations have been going on for months.

1. Florida State --  He said a Not Happening.
2. Clemson --- No Go.
3.  Va - No Way.

He didn't rule out the Oklahoma comments.



Reading this article on LSU today, made me remember what I think about Miles and his ability to recognize talent.

"Spencer Ware at No. 1, which has been the case since his breakout game in the Cotton Bowl, true freshman Terrence Magee at No. 2, sophomore Alfred Blue at No. 3, and sophomore Jakhari Gore at No. 4 for now."

Notice Ford is missing. 
Miles comments.
"I think Michael Ford didn't finish runs as well as he was capable," Miles said of last season. Ford also missed the last stages of spring football and the spring game to focus on his academics.

For the record, Ford who played more than Ware against the big boys in the SEC, averaged 6.0 yards a carry.   Ware had a huge game in the Cotton Bowl and I hope he is special, but I have a feeling Miles is hung up on players that push the pile like Scott and can't make them miss.
The good part of the article is Magee, I saw him play twice last year and he was spectacular as a running QB. The High School kids could not handle him and he is elusive.

Texas this year.

When I look at the Horn's schedule, I feel Mack if Back.
To me, he has so much talent versus the teams he plays I expect a big season.

If they survive UCLA, which they should, I predict 10-2.


Horns Network

Listening to people talk about the Aggies departure is definitely 2 sided.

1.  Horns Fans and Historical and regional fans.
2.  Sports Nuts that realize the money differences.

1. The fact that the Horns Network is so profitable for Texas is great, but it also has wording that stops a conference network and allows a huge advantage for Texas against other schools in the conference.
Why would anyone think that the other schools like TTech and Okla are happy with this money and recruiting advantage.   Every time I hear people saying its just the Aggies I cringe.
Oklahoma almost went to the SEC during the Big 10/Nebraska debacle. 
I really hate these changes, but more is coming.

2.  Listening to the college insiders on Rivals and Espn radio, nearly all of them understand and laugh at how big an advantage Texas has over the other conference schools.    Even the Oklahoma writers admit that they have problems with the perception of Texas making the decisions.  Tom Osbourne was pretty clear with his disgust with UT throwing their weight around in the meetings. 

I guess we need to get ready for the changes, they are coming.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Victor Butleris

I read where the star of camp on the defensive side so far is Victor Butler at OLB.  This is a great development because where the Cowboys continue to fail is with those 2nd and 3rd rounders who never pan out.  Good teams find starters in those rounds.  Butler is coming into his 3rd year and apparently fits well with Ryan's program and is making tons of plays.  Let's hope it continues.



Yes, I think tonight puts Thome in the HOF without a doubt.  The 8th player ever and the 5th clean player to reach 600 homers; a truly magical accomplishment.  His numbers are surprisingly stout: .403 career OB%, .558 career Slugging %, and .961 OPS.  Those are truly great.  Yet oddly he only led the league in homers once, in slugging once, in OPS once, and never in RBI.  He's a case where he doesn't meet my test of top 3 player for an extended period or best at position for an extended period, but the total numbers are just overwhelming.  His career looks very much like a player from the 40's and 50's with averages in the .270's and .280's, big power, and lots of walks.  He will be easily forgotten, but future fans will be shocked at how good he really was.


Da' Bears proved the point. Stupid move of the week.

Did you see where the Bears kicked off from the the 30 instead of the 35 in first preseason game.
The NFL said they moved it up to cut down on injuries.

The Bears said they did it to learn and evaluate the coverage team....Right! 
Why not have the kicker kick it shorter?
(The Bears were one of the 6 teams against moving the kickoff line back to 35 yard line.)

What happened????????????????????'
The Bears DLineman Wooten got hurt on the kickoff and is having knee surgery.
Real Smart.


SEC Expansion and Aggies.

It is funny to listen to the over reaction on the SEC comments toward A&M not being offered a position in SEC.  Many media pundits are giving reasons for why not and if it is beneficial to the SEC.
Guilbeau had an article today that basically said the Aggies were not qualified to join the SEC.
He also took his normal shot that South Carolina and Arkansas did not help the SEC.

Today more of the story is leaking out and this entire weekend seems to have been about positioning.
The Big 12 threatened a lawsuit toward Aggies and SEC.

Bill King and some Aggie writer's are reporting stories that are saying that the SEC and Aggies still are talking.
The next step-  Texas A&M have to petition for withdrawal from the Big 12.
Then the SEC will publicly discuss the options.  Maybe they will offer entrance.
It seems the SEC still wants the Texas market and lets face it.  Aggies are number 2, but Texas is not coming unless Aggies and Oklahoma bolt and they have scheduling issues.

If the Aggies leave the ESPN contract drops with the Big 12 is questioned it will bring Oklahoma into a discussion.
This will also be the plan for a school like Fla State.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Pet Peeve- Scat Backs adding weight.

I was screaming about this last spring training and with AP in Minnesota two years ago.
I was glad the M. Mosley hit the subject.

The slimmed down version of Felix Jones was impressiveJones broke three tackles on an 18-yard run he cut back to the left side. Then he looked extremely quick on a 16-yard screen pass. Left tackle Doug Free and rookie left guard David Arkin both made nice blocks on the play.

There's no way the out-of-shape Montrae Holland makes that block in space.

"He looked pretty solid to me," Free said of Arkin.

Jones added weight last season and he appeared to lose his burst. He shed at least six or seven pounds this offseason and looks a lot more explosive.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Carter Talk

So neither of us are big Cris Carter fans, but he does have some credibility: 16 yrs in the league, borderline HOF credentials. He was asked some interesting questions today on ESPN and I always like to hear former players talk about who they played with.

Best corner he went up against – Deion without a doubt. He said it was “nearly impossible” to get open and even if you did the QB’s were afraid to test him. The rep was well-earned said Carter; he was the best press/bump & run corner in the league.

Most gifted athlete he played with other than Moss – Reggie White; he could not stop talking about the things White would do to even good players he went up against. Said he could line up anywhere and dominate. And he was a talker too.

What QB did he wish he could have played with – Marino. He said Marino’s understanding of the passing game, his confidence, and killer instinct were without peer. Also said his ball felt and sounded different than anyone else’s.

It was also surprising that after talking about those 3 all-time greats above, that he believes Jerry Rice is the best football player of all time. Based on his incredible toughness and mental focus. Said he never ever ran a sloppy route or took a play off. Said he basically perfected the position.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rivals Top 100 in HS Football.

Prattville 1.
Allen ranked 6
Univ of South Panola - 8
Euless Trinity- 11
Katy 21
Aledo 22
Gulfport 28
Longview 34
West Monroe  52
Meridian 57
Hoover 70
Karr  78
St Thomas More 79

Prattville is number 1 now, but they will play St Thomas Aquinas in the first game.
I would really be surprised if that private school football factory in FL loses a game early in the year.



Rick Gosselin had an interesting stat today.  He was saying that the Cowboys need to focus on winning during the preseason to get that culture going.  He sited Vince Lombardi, whose teams went 42-8 during the preseason while he was with the Packers.  He believed you never accept losing.  I could see Garrett being that way.


Morris to 'Bama

In a very surprising development to yours truly, Allen QB Alec Morris committed to Alabama this week.  Morris, listed at 6'3" and 230 lbs, had a nice junior season with 2,500 yds and 22 TD's, but I saw him a handful of times and didn't think much, and he did not generate any buzz around the area.  I read that he attended a camp in Alabama a few months back, and the offer came this week.  If I had to guess I would normally say the Tide was looking to fill a roster spot, but you never know.  But, more good pub for the Eagles!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Best

The subject is players who have achieved the recognized status of “best ever” at what they do. I started thinking about this because Jerry Rice has been popping up on various shows lately, which coincides with his hiring by ESPN and the retirement of Randy Moss. It seems that no matter who is talking to Rice or talking about him, they always add the disclaimer that he is the no-brainer greatest receiver of all time. No question, no discussion, just statement. So whether or not you agree with this statement, I started wondering just how many people have achieved this status. Where people just assume that everyone knows this fact, that there is little or no room for argument. So, I’ve tried to come up with a few for discussion:

  • Jim Brown certainly achieved that status as an NFL running back but has been challenged over the years by Walter Payton (stupid) and more recently Barry Sanders (possibly). I still think he was the best ever, but you will get arguments.
  • Ted Williams I think qualifies. Most people even now will just say he was the greatest hitter ever, without really even bringing up any competitors. We know Ruth was likely better, but because of the fact that Williams played in the “modern”/post-war era, he seems to get the assumption.
  • Michael Jordan is there. He is typically referred to as “probably the greatest player ever” and I think that the majority of fans simply believe it. You can argue it, but I think he has achieved that status in the public conscious, at least for non-centers.
  • Jack Nicklaus. Serious fans will present cases for Nelson, Hogan, or others, but I think that the vast majority of the public accept that Nicklaus was the best ever. They were ready to crown Tiger, but with him falling short of Jack’s total of majors, people seem to think Nicklaus maintains the crown.
  • Ricky Henderson. Admitedly “greatest leadoff hitter” is a niche, but Henderson definitely wears the crown with no other contenders.
  • Wayne Gretzky is as close to a no-brainer as you can probably get.
  • Carl Lewis is talked about in that way by the small group of people that know anything about track & field.
  • Mariano Rivera may be just about there as far as greatest reliever ever. It seems that many or most have accepted it.
  • Muhammad Ali has without a doubt achieved that status with the public as greatest heavyweight ever.
A few more that you might throw in for discussion: Lawrence Taylor (linebacker), Michael Phelps (swimming), Richard Petty (racing), Sugar Ray Robinson (pound for pound boxing).


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Danny Sheridan's comments about SEC going to 16 teams.

The Buzz the other day was Sheridan saying the SEC would add 4 of the Big 12 teams in the future.

He said Aggies and Sooners first.
Then Texas and Missouri(St Louis Market)
If the Texas and Mo don't come that way they supposedly are looking at Fla St, Clemson or Miami.

During the years, I have found Sheridan's contacts to be very good, so I was shocked to see the Texas name come up.


That would be one huge TV Contract.

Florida Football

The more I look at the Florida team and see Muschamp talk, the more comfortable I get with the Gators finishing with a good record.  I already thought they would win the SEC East, but they maybe better than I expected.   Even with that brutal schedule in the last two months with what I expect to be 5 top 20 teams in 7 weeks.   Starting Oct 1 they play Bama at home, then LSU and Auburn on the road.

Good Quote.
"I didn't hire a bunch of 'yes' guys. I hired some really good football coaches, and I hired them for their opinion," Muschamp said. "I hired them because I believe in them, and if they disagree with what we're doing, then I want them to say that. But when we make that decision, we move forward and are 100 percent behind that decision. At this point, it's been great."
My premise for optimism :
Only USC, Bama, LSU, Ok and Texas are even close to Florida in talent based on recruiting.


Andrew Luck

I heard a coach talking about Andrew Luck earlier this week. 
The comments started with talk about West Virginia football and his dad being the AD there.

Some Comments. 
*Harbaugh was touting him as a Freshman being the best he had been around.
*Luck will not show off his arm strength, but this coach said he saw him throw it 75yards and thought he had more in the tank.    (That is some serious arm strength. )
* Best QB prospect EVER. 

Interesting things coming out of California.

Sad Day for Pick up game.

One of the best Freshman in America, Eric Katenda a Notre Dame signing for 2011 was blinded in his left eye last month.    Sad story for a young man that relies on depth perception.


Hitting Streak-Uggla

Sometimes I forget how unusual it is for a MLB to go over 20 games in a hitting streak.
I admit shcck with Dan Uggla 29 game hitting streak being the 2nd longest in Braves history.

With the Braves history of excellence since the 90's, I never gave it thought.
Rico Carty team record of 31 games in 1970, led me to say "Who?"

The DiMaggio streak really maybe the most untouchable day to day streak in professional sports.
Only Ty Cobb had two streaks of 30 or more games.

On the Braves, speaking of excellence.
Since 1991 they have been in playoffs all but 5 years!.  2006-2009. In 1995 they were 2nd in strike shortened season.
That is an absolutely crazy stat.


Dallas OLine

How bad did I think the Dallas OLine was last year.

With the announcement that that Rookie David Arkin is being put at LGuard and Kosier is moving to RGuard next to Rooke Smith makes me feel better about the Cowboys.

Holland may get healthy and play his way back into the starting lineup, but I like that Dallas has two rookies starting instead of that mess from before.


What is up with the Cowboys and the name Roy Williams.

Not that Roy UNO UNO was bad enough in Dallas, today I was reminded of another failed career.
I just read that the real sooner Roy Williams. 2002 draft pick is not on a team at this time and is on a reality show.

What did Parcell's say- He is a Biscuit away from playing LB? 

That is a big drop for a guy that never lived up to the rep as a talent.

My lasting memory of him, is when the stories came out that he refused to practice with the other DB's because he could not cover the WR's in practice.  How in the world does a coach let this happen?


The CBS coverage Sunday

Watching the Sunday Final Round was a treat, but CBS could have made it much better.

I love watching Adam Scott( maybe I have a man crush) and seeing Fowler, Day and RYO play.
I even understood Caddie Stevie Williams mouthing off about the win.(He did basically take the last two years off while Tigger did nothing.) Williams arrogance is just more of what he has always done, but the media seems to have an issue with him now that he makes a comment about the villian-hero Woods. Williams has said much worse things in the past about Phil and others without the backlash.
My CBS Complaint.
I watched for 3hours before I saw Rory who finished 6th and was within 3 shots most of the day.  Westwood finishes in the top 10 and I am not sure I saw him hit a single shot.
CBS must have too much of a connection with the PGA Tour.
  It had to be a grudge against a these two powerful Euros for skipping The Players Championship to not show them all day.

CBS forced us to keep getting updates on the Woods post drug doctor and hookers failings at this tournament and missed on showing the two best players in the world.

Not a good day for CBS broadcast.  They had everything there with these young guys and still blew it.

It is bad enough that we are subjected to the sophomoric slap stick comments from McCord and Feherety, but this was a good tournament that could have been even more enjoyable with a big dose of Rory.


Let's Talk PGA.

They really have changed the course since David Toms won the PGA a decade ago.
I would like nothing better than for David to win again, but the extra length has really made this a bombers course.
Then you had the recent freaks who also could get up and down from anywhere, like Phil and Woods.

During the normal tournaments, Putting is a money maker.
Stricker, Snedeker,Chalmers, Donald and Watney have been the top 5 this year.
The top 3 in FedEx points.  Watney, Stricker and Donald. 
Chalmers only ranks 146, Donald at 143,Snedeker 134 and Stricker at 123 in Ball Speed. 

This leaves Watney as the favorite on the combination of putting and power.
Watney is 5th in Putting and 13th in Driving.  Very Impressive.

Others in top 50 in both list that should be in the hunt if they get hot.
Aaron Baddeley, Rickie Fowler, Jason Day, Charles Howell, Lucas Glover and Angel Caberera.

This list does not include the Euro's.  So all bets are off with Rory and Westwood.
Throw in the birdie machines from the rough like Phil and from over 175 yards and you get Dustin Johnson, Bubba Watson and Phil. 
This would be my top 11 players.

Winner- Watney. 
Runners Up- Jason Day, Baddely-Cabrera
By Pure Karma "owes him one".-Dustin Johnson. 


Monday, August 8, 2011

Good Story on hatred involved in EGG Bowl.

I can personally attest to the disgust between the alumni at these schools. 
As a matter of fact I think it is worse than Bama - Auburn at the detailed trashing level.
Mississippi people are so knowledgeable with the details of recruiting and history of the other rival it is really fun to see.

The funny thing is that Mullen has the Team on the upslope, but Ole Miss probably more talent after the classes he recruited.  Nutt needs to hire some assistants and let them coach.

Here is the recent jab at the OLE Miss Bears.  Ha.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Arkansas - Texas A&M

The Aggies are getting a lot more press than I expected.
Arkansas is getting less, because of the Mallett departure.

Texas A&M comes in as the 9th ranked team, Arkansas at 14.

The week before the meeting in Dallas both teams have huge games.
Aggies get the easier of the two with Ok State who should be an offensive juggernaut.
The Hogs have to play ALABAMA the week before.  Ouch.

With Tyler Wilson at QB for Arkansas, I do not expect much of a change is explosion on offense.
As a matter of fact, I think the decision making and maturity will have the Hogs being even more explosive.

This is a huge game for the SWC, I mean Big 8.  
I do not think the Aggies can win this game, unless Arkansas is just too beat up from injuries after Bama.


Bama Press

I still think Saban will win another title this year, especially with LSU's schedule being to brutal with road games.
If either team survives this years schedule, I feel by year end they will handle anyone in the NC game.

I felt that last years losses were because of the OLine being below Bama standards. 
LSU and Auburn both were able to push the pocket and close up holes. 

Then I read that there was also discussion this year about last years lack of a pass rush.
Reports are that they again are lacking the powerful DLine that leads most SEC teams to a title.
The stories are talking about the LB being the pass rushers.  I find it a fun prospect to think Saban
will be putting Blitz packages together.  


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Golf this weekend.

The media were sucked up into the Tigger story, but the interesting story is the leaderboard.
Ryo Ishikawa is Tied for 2nd with 23 year old Jason Day.

We get to see the 19 year old from Japan playing in the last group with pretty boy Adam Scott.

Ryo could be the youngest winner on tour since 1911.
This is the guy that Rory's agent said was more advanced than Rory.

Jason Day is the youngster with the best up and down scrambling game that has power.  Day lives in Fort Worth and I still think he will win multiple majors.
Fowler ( 22)and Luke Donald are also within 3 shots of the lead. 
Rory is tenth at 5 back.

Vick and Ryan.

I found this funny, Vick said he doesn't and wouldn't talk and of course the Dog Killer then started jabbering about Ryan's comments.   It is going to be a fun year with Ryan.

"I felt that was inappropriate, but he is going to have to deal with us and he's going to have to find solutions just like everyone else," Vick said. "We don't talk. We go about our business the right way. Maybe we'll make him eat his words. I hope he [can] back it up.

"I was so upset, I indirectly tweeted to the whole world: People who talk the talk need to walk the walk when necessary, and some people can't seem to do it. It's all talk.

"I rarely let my emotions get the best of me, but when I feel like people are taking shots at our organization -- my team -- yeah, I'm going to respond. Players have to be on the field, a coach ... you on the sideline coaching, you don't know what it's like to be in this battle. So the only thing you can do is coach, so coach."


Good article on Jordan Jefferson and Kragthorpe

I have heard so many positives about Jordan Jefferson since Kragthorpe arrived in Baton Rouge, I am trying to think
"Maybe it is happening."

His spring game performance was the "same ole same ole" to most of us, but maybe there is more coming.
Jefferson has always had the physical skills and it was a total confusion to me that Crowton never seemed to develop him at all.  

Then I was listening to XM Rivals this morning and another media guy, said he was shocked at the differences in Jefferson this summer.  He mentioned the changes in Jason Campbell during that undefeated year and then said LSU has more talent overall on offense than Auburn that year.   (Skeptical? I am)  

I wish I had caught the guys name that was talking,  he said he used to cover the Big 12 before getting his current job to cover LSU and the SEC.   He also commented that when he was first getting to Baton Rouge, he heard the myths about Tiger Stadium being different than the Big 12 famous schools.   Nebraska was even mentioned.
He said it took less than a minute in Tiger Stadium to know that it really is different than anything he had covered before as a writer.

Deion Sanders HOF show on NFL network.

I tried to watch the specials on Faulk and Sharpe, but only listening to people talk about Deion was truly special.

It is really strange to hear other players without hesitation say he was the best and marvel at what he could do.

Was he the only shut down CB in the history of the NFL?


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Steve Kragthorpe

With Kragthorpe having so many medical issues, Parkinson's is a horrible disease, and stepping down as OC to be QB coach.
Miles will really become involved in play calling I expect.

It will be interesting to watch the new OC Greg Studwara call a game with Miles feeling pressure.
He biggest experience was to be the OC at Bowling Green.

Strange and sad day.


Scouts Comments on Bryant and Austin.

"When you watch Bryant run routes, there is no crispness to them like Miles Austin. Austin runs routes at the same speed even when he goes in and out of breaks. It’s hard for defensive backs to get a gauge on when he is going to break or go vertical. Austin is disciplined in the speed, depth and completion of routes.

The best plays that Bryant makes are when he can go vertical or carry his route across the field. Where Bryant is an outstanding receiver is when the ball is in the air. His ability to go get the football is outstanding, but there needs to be much more than that.
It will be Robinson’s job to teach Bryant there is more to being an NFL receiver than just swimming your man at the line and trying to get vertical. Bryant will need to learn that when the depth of the route calls for 12 yards, you run in at 12 and not at 10 or 14. He needs to learn that on the fourth step on the slant he is to plant his outside foot and get inside because the quarterback needs him there or it is probably going to be an interception. "

This article could have been written about TO years ago.  The miracle of Walsh was that his offense allowed the WR to run the easier routes.

Ratliff will be moved around with Ware?

I didn't feel like re-wording this Broaddus column on the one of my favorite Subject.
*If Jason Garrett is true to his word and he is going to do everything in his power to get his best 11 on the field at all times, he is going to have to find a place for nose tackle Josh Brent.

Fully understand that the Cowboys have Jay Ratliff and what he brings to the game each week. Ratliff is an offensive coordinator’s nightmare with the way he can create problems for guards. In the Ryan scheme, there is no telling where Ratliff will line up and that makes it even worse on offenses.

In Brent, the Cowboys have a powerful man that is difficult to stop once he gets on the move. His upper body strength and power allows him to get push in the middle in the passing game, but he also has a lateral game in his ability to control blockers and work outside the tackle box and help on the edges.

It didn’t matter who was trying to block Brent, it was met with the same result, a negative play. There is talk of using Brent more on the nose and moving Ratliff to end.

Again in this scheme, Ratliff is going to be moving around plenty. The advantage of having a player like Brent is that he can spell Ratliff the wear and tear that he takes throughout the season.

Newman - Here we go again.

I tried not to blog about T Newman having his feelings hurt with the Cowboys trying to sign an all Pro CB.
Since Parcell's second year, Newman has become more and more vocal with his comments and opinions.
That might be acceptable, though most peoples should remain quiet in front of camera, but he is always hurts.

Now,Newman is out again, 4-6 weeks, with groin injury and may miss the opener.
I wish Scandrick would just get the starting position.   Maybe Newman is smart enough to play safety and call the coverages, we all know he thinks he is brilliant.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Did you see the infleld Triple?

How in the world did the Oakland A's allow a grounder in the hole to Mariners Brendan Ryan?

With no one on base, the SS and 3rd baseman merge and he beat it out.
 The 2nd baseman was covering first, so he went to 2nd.
The 3rd baseman was lazy and he never moved
Ryan went to 2nd after the play at first base standing up.
Then the SS and 3rd basement both went to second as he stood up on getting there.
So Ryan went to third. 

Crazy!  How does this happen?


Interesting artilcle from Goose on Cowboys Cap issues.

I know you probably ready this article in the Morning News, but it really explains many things that we have seen during the last two years with Jerry not signing people.  Basically, Dallas had to cut 19mil this year and have 20 million tied up in nothing next year.  

Is this another GM issue?  I realize we all rip Jerry on talent as a GM, but has he killed basically 4 years, (last two and next two) with his math decisions. 

Gooselin is so good, he also thinks that 2013 is the year for the Cowboys to make a run.  They will have money and the Jail Birds in Philly will be getting old.

The ESPN East Blog guy, doesn't think the Boys are in that bad of shape with so many young players.
I am still having a hard time getting them over 8-8.


McNabb comments about Eagle signings.

McNabb is wondering verbally about why the Eagles are signing all of these players.
He even said somehting about them having more issues than people know.

Sour Grapes, since they never did this when McNabb was there.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Appreciating a Pro

I normally like to post about the great players and great talents, but I'm sitting here watching the Rangers and had to take a minute to appreciate Michael Young.  You recall that he was forced out of his position for the 3rd time in his career this off season and openly shopped.  He was mad about it, but reported to camp and squelched all talk of it.  True to his word Ron Washington has kept him in the lineup in various positions and Young has delivered a fantastic year.  Entering tonight hitting .336, 34 pts above his solid career avg of .302 and a robust .382 with runners in scoring position.  On pace for 45 doubles and 90 RBI like we always expected of Young.  Next week he will get his 2,000th hit in just his 11th full-time season.  If you can't like Michael Young, you can't like anyone.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Slow Down

The Nationals are certainly a franchise in need of some buzz, but I hope they have the restraint necessary to not rush Strasburg back or to rush Bryce Harper to the bigs.  At 18 and after pummeling 1A pitching, Harper is off to a slow start in 2A.  He needs to remain in 2A for the rest of this year at least and be allowed to get comfortable.  No way I would bring him up this year.  Strasburg is throwing and could make a rehab start within a week or 2.  I hope they don't rush either of them, because they offer the Nationals a real chance at being a relevant franchise with a little patience.



The advertisement on the 2nd to last page of Sports Illustrated caught my eye this week (8/1 issue with Larry Fitzgerald on cover).  I wonder if they have different ads for different regions of the country?  Mine shows a promo for the Tom Landry Classic scheduled at SMU's Ford Stadium on 8/27/11.  The twin bill features #2 Highland Park vs. #4 Everman and then #3 Cedar Hill vs. #1 Allen.  I'm not sure where they got these rankings, but I had not heard that Allen would head into the year ranked #1 in 5A.  Anyway, more great pub for the Eagles.  Maybe you should come over that weekend.  Good football to start the year.  Allen!  Eagles!  Ha.


Daniels 2

I was re-visiting Daniels' most high profile trade in my mind this week.  4 years ago he swapped Mark Teixeira to Atlanta for 4 prospects that rebuilt his team and has ended up over-shadowing the Danks fiasco.  With Matt Harrison settling in as a reliable starter (2.94 era this year without missing a start), he joins Elvis Andrus and Neftali Feliz as above average players scored in that trade.  Jarrod Saltalamachia did not pan out, but is starting for a 1st place team in Boston.  It is very rare for 4 prospects obtained in any trade to end up as major league starters and I guess it speaks also to the quality of the Braves' organization.


Safety Anyone?

Bummed to see Michael Huff re-sign with the Raiders.  Where are we going to get safety help?  Are we going to end up with no upgrades to that porous secondary?  We've cut plenty of dead wood but we haven't upgraded.  Montrae Holland?  Weak.  Tyron Smith?  Unproven.  Marcus Spears?  Average.  Demarco Murray?  Chronic hammy issues.  I'm very underwhelmed where we are so far.  Will they even have the brains to replace Buehler?


Respect for Daniels

Jon Daniels is getting kudos from around baseball for his 2 deadline deals to bolster the Rangers' weak bullpen.  Of all relievers in the majors he scored the 2 with the 2nd and 3rd lowest BA against and played enough hardball that he did not surrender any of his most desired prospects.  The consensus is that Mike Adams is closer material and can perform that role over the next couple of years if they wish to put Feliz in the rotation.  Uehara is a hugely effective setup man and situational reliever.  How great for the Rangers' organization to hear that respect on the TV and radio that comes with shrewd if not splashy moves.


AAU National Finals on Espn.

If you want to watch a Bossier-Shreveport team play, it was on ESPN today.
S,  you will recognize some of these kids from the games we watched last year.

The Shreveport 8th graders won the national title two weeks ago in Orlando.


Randy Moss Retires

There have been only a few football players that I have watched since the late 60's that were just different than the others.
Randy Moss is one of the few people I have ever seen just be a superior athlete to the other players.

To compare him historically as a top 3 of all time is hard to do because of his enigmatic personality. 
Although his career numbers per game are much better than Rice and some of the others, I still have a feeling of "what if."
He is the most talented WR I have ever seen.  I can only place Deion, Bo, and Barry Sanders in his level of athletic skills.

My favorite commercial of all time, is the Nike one with him and his Dupont High school teammate, an athletic freak himself, Jason Williams being played to the Waylon Jennings Dukes of Hazzard, theme song.
 " Been in trouble with the law since the day they were born"   How funny to celebrate these two and their criminal past.

Here is a repost of S previous post on WR rankings.
Rank, Receiver Catches Yards TDs Rating
1. Don Hutson 488 7,981 100 .842
2. Lance Alworth 542 10,267 85 .828
3. Randy Moss 954 14,858 153 .816

States with Highest Per Capita of Athletes in 3 Major Sports.

This data is suppose to be from prior to the upcoming season in the NFL.
I focused on the states that are known for producing talent in the top 3 sports.

It should come as no surprise that Louisiana and Mississippi finished at the top in Per Capita numbers by a large amout. AL was 3rd but not close to the percentages.

NFL-   La (1) and MS (2).
NBA-  LA (1) and MS (2)
MLB - MS(1) and La (4).  Calif (2) Ok (3)

California had the most overall athletes by a large amount at 478, TX 2nd with 296, FL 3rd with 247.