Monday, November 23, 2009

Sainthood in the Big Easy.

Sainthood is in order for the ex-QB from Romo's Alma mater. Saint Sean Payton.
Why does he not get the press?
After he wins 2 of the next 3 SB's maybe things will change and he can coach for a team owner worthy of his brain. I read 7 articles on the Saints nationally today, Coach P was not mentioned in any of them.

3 years ago, Jonathan and I were discussing the possibilities that Payton is the next generation of offensive genius. I am closer to the belief everyday, his game plans are far and beyond what the defenses coaches are prepared for.

He is single handily putting Brees and Colston in the HOF.

Two years ago, Belicheat changed his offense after watching the Saints go to Chicago with some below average talent.

This week we ge to the Patri-cheats throw everything at the Saints. I
will pull harder for the Saints that I ever had.

1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

I will as well. Can you even comprehend the Saints winning a SB? Doesn't compute. Their defense still has to prove it to me. I'm not convinced yet. But maybe Payton is a Bill Walsh level offensive genius like you say. I love his attitude too.