Saturday, November 28, 2009

SEC Basketball

Looks weak again this year.

Kentucky looks solid, but cant shoot FT's. Calipari teams get better as the year goes on. Lets hope so, Wall is different but a bit of a showboat.

Florida has looked better than expected with upset of Michigan St and Fla St.
Tennessee lost to Purdue, but Purdue is a top 10 quality team.

Mississippi State goes down to Richmond and Rider.
LSU is routed by UCONN and Arizona State.
Ole Miss played good against Villinova but lost by double digits.
Vandy did beat Arizona, but lost to Cinn. Looks to be decent.
Ark lost by 30 to Louisville, then Morgan State and East Tenn.
Aub lost to Missouri St, Central Fl and NC ST.

Overall, the west is really bad and Mississippi State needs that Freshman to be ruled eligible.
It will be the up to the East for more than one team to make the sweet 16.

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