Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tiger goes down.

The police are saying that Wood's wife has started changing her story.
Now, she never came out of the house after she heard the crash, appears she was outside at the time of the incident.

Internet reports that he told his friend that he was distracted after she scratched him at a confrontation over the affair. She alledgely started hitting the suv with a golf club as he was leaving.

(It appears that my wife was right about the right hook.)

How else would you explain how one of the most coordinated people in the world hit
a tree and fire hydrant in his own driveway.

Throw in the fact that was he going in and out of consciousness at the scene.
Then no blood on the steering wheel.
Impact pics to front of SUV show moderate to light damage.
Was he was out behind the wheel?

Fear the scorned wife, especially a European model.

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