Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nebraska's real reason.

I found some quotes from the Nebraska leaders and was a bit shock.

Osbourne Quote:
"We're obviously not [located] in the Sun Belt," Osborne said. "And we find some of our sports at a disadvantage because of that. Most young people who are golfers or play tennis or play baseball or play softball, sometimes even soccer, would prefer to go someplace where they can practice outside year-round. ... So we would probably be having, in comparison, more of apples to apples [with Big Ten teams]. It doesn't mean that we can't compete.

"We can compete, but it's just more difficult."

Can you believe that Tom Osborne said that? He actually admitted that the Southern and California kids are better that his.

Some of the leaders are also trying to spread the manure about scholastic reasoning.
This is a school that is still pouting because the Big 12 would not allow partial qualifiers that the teams used in the past.

A major complaint that has come from Nebraska was on two specific votes in which the Big 12 voted 11-1 against what Nebraska wanted.
1. Partial Qualifiers- Nebraska wanted the thugs they had in the past to win. The Big 12 said, no and then the NCAA past the same law.
2. Nebraska voted against the Championship Game in the Big 12.

I find nothing about Osborne tenure nor coaching past to be anything but checkered.
Yes, I am saying he allowed players to cheat to win. He knew he couldn't beat Switzer, then the Canes and Noles. Switzer was 12-5 against this prima dona.


1 comment:

Jonathan said...

How do you really feel about the good Dr. ?