Sunday, November 14, 2010


You never know when you watch the NFL what to expect, but the difference in the Cowboy's effort was obvious. Either the Giants mailed it in or the Offensive Line suddenly realized that Garrett was going to start benching people. 

Dez Bryant is just a different type of physical wide receiver and suddenly the Cowboys remembered how to tackle.  

2-7 and a rough schedule ahead could lead to a complete explosion, but what if they finish 7-9.

Jerry will think that Red Jesus is great and his drafts and work as a GM was undermined by Brother Wade.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

I even enjoyed being rid of Newman and Jenkins; those overrated whiners. Scandrick and McCann suck, but at least they aren't overpaid and overrated.

Garrett should have benched Jenkins anyway, along with Roy Williams and Marion Barber. If nothing else, he would win me over with those moves.