Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Story of Little Joshua Holt

I heard this story and thought it should be repeated.  Goes something like this.......

By 1991 little Joshua Holt was already something of a star around the youth baseball leagues in Raleigh.  At 10 he already had the look of a kid born to be a star.  By 1995 he was travelling around the country and the coaches and other players had never seen anything like him.  By 1999 the scouts who followed Joshua began using wild terms and descriptions for the big boy who won games with prodigous home runs, a 95 mph fastball, and diving catches all over the outfield.  In some conversations, the name Mantle was even used.  Then, number 1 draft pick, signing bonus, a limitless future............

But here the story turns.  A car wreck, an injury, idle time in a pool hall, bad characters, drugs, tatoos.  By 2003, little Joshua had gotten himself suspended from baseball.  For the next 3 years he slept in crack houses with strangers, lost 60 pounds, forgot baseball, lost his family, and burned through several million dollars.  Joshua Holt lost all touch with his former life and dreams of athletic stardom.

In 2006, Joshua showed up at his Grandmother's home and asked for shelter.  Slowly she nursed him back to health and re-introduced him to his Christian upbringing.  He asked baseball for another chance and even got a few AA at-bats later in that season.  He gained weight, tried to repair relationships, and discover his skills that had eroded for 4 years.

In 2007, Joshua Holt was sent back through the draft and picked up by the Reds.  At age 25, they threw him straight to the majors with no experience and almost 4 years without baseball.  As he tried to find his way and fight off injuries, he managed to hit .290 with 19 homers.  An amazing feat.  But the Reds' players were jealous and soon Joshua was traded to the woebegone Rangers.

In spring training 2008, the Rangers witnessed the most talented ballplayer they had ever seen.  Joshua Holt found peace and his swing, drove in 130 runs, made the cover of Sports Illustrated, and put on a show for the history books in the home run derby at legendary Yankee Stadium.  At 27 he had arrived and big time.  But in 2009, injuries again, a slip from the wagon, poor numbers.  Would Joshua's demons prevail again?

Of course they did not.  The story turned once again and Joshua Holt turned 2010 into a showcase for his amazing skills.  A batting title, highlight reel catches and runs, tape measure homers, the World Series, and finally the culmination, the coveted MVP award.  At 29 Joshua finally realized all the potential and dreams.  Riches, accolades, family, friends, fame, he had it all.

Ridiculous you say?  Fantasy you say?  Stories like this don't happen in real life you say?  But of course only real life could produce the story of Joshua Holt Hamilton, 2010 American League MVP.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for you to type something on JH.

I wanted to comment on his career but felt you were better qualified.