Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Les Miles

During the last 6 years, I have butchered Miles on more than a few occasions.  To this very moment, my thoughts remain the same on his job as a facilitator to his coaches and his ability to recognize the most talented players on his roster.  I just don't think he is capable of judging things without an open mind and will let his heart get in the way.

But, I am not upset that he is still in Baton Rouge, it shocks me to say it, but it is true.

Miles ability to recruit is just amazing! It will allow LSU fans to be close to another title for years to come. LSU fans had spent over 40 years just savoring the years when LSU would actually be a Top 10  type team.  These years were rare and everyone knows Saban changed all of that with his recruiting and coaching.  But, Miles has maintained the talent level, while beating the best teams in America fairly often.  On a purely speculative matter, I really believe as coaches go, he is a good influence on most of the kids.

So you will have to bear with me during the years, I will be ripping Miles for his inability to adjust and his aptitude for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.



Sport Thought said...

Well, I'm shocked indeed to find out you're a closet Miles supporter. Here's the thing, the bar has been raised, we know LSU can find the talent to win big. But, Miles is under achieving due to his poor game management, playing the wrong players, and failure to address coaching staff issues. If he had left, we may have regretted it, but it's very frustrating to watch a team under achieve on a regular basis. And since everyone fawns over him, he won't change. I anticipate that Jefferson and Crowton will lead the offense again next year, and we'll lost games we shouldn't lose. As I said, he is probably the 5th best coach in the West, not what these players deserve.


Anonymous said...

I agree with "S" on everything but Crowton, I think he is gone. The once thing Les will do is throw someone else under the bus for the teams short comings. Les can recruit and his quirky personality fits with the fans of LSU, but I think someone like Gary Patterson at TCU would have won a title with LSU this year.


Anonymous said...

Recruit and hire good coaches and the Mad Hatter wins. We had no clock issues with Jimbo. LSU will be better next year without Crowton. Brutal schedule!!!

62 wins in 6 years.

Never thought I would see that when I walked off campus as a graduate in 1992.
