Monday, May 9, 2011

Dirk's Stage

The chance to face the Lakers did wonders for Dirk Nowitski's standing in the league.  Clearly the best player in the series, no Laker could slow him and the nation tuned in to witness.  It would do my heart a world of good to see him lead the Mavs to the championship.  The disrespect he has taken over the years has been hard to take, even though he has to take blame for 2007.  This could be the year to crown his career before age starts to chip away.



Sport Thought said...


Jonathan said...

While I have alwyas been quick to criticize the Mavs- Dirk and Co have made a great stateent. As a Dallas outsider I think the criticisim of him is fair but he has grown over the past couple of years. Chandker should get some credit as well. He gave the Mavs needed presence and leadership