Monday, June 6, 2011


This is going to be painful for all Mavs fans and myself.

Wade has finally decided to start playing defense again, prior to the end of games and has once again ascended to one of the best players in the league. 

Lebron, well to summarize what I think, if the Mavs do figure out a way to pull away in a game, I think Lebron will just take over whenever he wants to.   If he does start running on rebounds the Mavs will get blown out.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

The fundamental flaw for the Mavs is the number of 1-dimensional players they have. They have some scorers and some defenders, but few who can do both.

If they play Stephenson on Wade, the offense suffers. But Terry & Peja can't guard a stone. Wade will run wild in the 4th with Terry and Kidd the only defensive options.