Sunday, October 16, 2011


What a worry wart I am over this game. 
Its not that I expect the Cowboys to win in Foxboro, but I can dream.

Someone we know asked me if the Pats were good, after I choked a bit during my giggle.
I compared them to the Saints.  Interesting comparison when I thought about it a little bit.

Offense and Defenses have the same strengths and weaknesses.
Personally, I think the Saints are better but either team could beat down a team that isn't prepared.

I will post a really good article from the Shreveport Times on Romo after this game.
 It had some interesting comments from some pro football people. Not negative as most have been since his Lions freak show, even though he is prone to spectacular blunders.

30 Minutes to game time.

Did I mention that the local yahoo's at Fox TV had an Internet vote to show the Saints or the Cowboys.
What is so ridiculous is the fact that the station posted the survey during the Saints game last week when the Cowboys were on a bye week.
 Needless to say the Saints won this vote. 
If they knew this was vote going to happen,
WHY _ WHY did they not advertise the vote during the Cowboys - Lions game the week before? 
 Maybe someone has as agenda for these (as you S called a mindless lot) of fans.
I looked at it and it had restrictions on who was to vote and it restricted the areas.  
I wonder if the NFL realizes that these nut jobs are excluding the real information on people within 40 miles.
The NFL has guidelines and in true Louisiana fashion crooked politics is prevailing again.
So while the rest of America is watching the Boys and Pats in national broadcast game, 30percent of this areas football fans will be pulling for the Saints against an overrated Bucs team.
I really cannot stand watching transplants discussing football in our area, but they are less irritating than band wagon fans that used to pull for the- Steelers, Dolphins, 49ers, Colts, Raiders, Bears and etc. ---enough said.
All because of the lunatic fringe.

Thank goodness I have the resources to avoid dealing with this mess.


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